Cud use some help jetting an 03 300


New member
Trying to get a 2003 300 jetted properly.The 2003 owners manual says base line settings are185 main,35 pilot and a n1ec needle clip in the middle.We have a correction factor of 0.98

The carb had a 180 main,40 pilot and a n1ef needle.

I think the 180 is a decent main given the correction.
The bike runs a little rich right at the bottom but starts well.If It will run on the 40 pilot Id like to have the torque and the easy starting a richer pilot gives you.

I think needle and air screw adjustment is probably our biggest issue.I took the n1ef.needle out and swapped it for the n1ec needle I had in another carb.

The n1ec is leaner then the n1ef.correct?
The bike would only run decent when the n1ef.needle was all the way down clip up in the 5th notch.

This carb Isnt easy getting in and out so if anybody has some good numbers or some ideas.that would be great.Bike is mostly ridden in the Trask spring and fall.Mild temps elevation between 800-2200 ft.

Bike is tip top with good compression, packed silencer, clean filter running redline at 50-1 ish.

Bike runs ok but it a 300 so it runs ok when it really Isnt running ok if you know what I mean.But it doesnt bark or have instantaneous throttle response.Its not really that happy all way around.
I looked through the jetting sticky and their were so many different combos getting the same results for the same bikes that I couldnt really get a line on it.Ive read through some of jetting threads.Sounds like you need at least an f needle to get the bike to idle.But to run right the f needle has to be all the way down.So I say ok g needle then.Ive looked tbrough the site and some guys ar? running the g needle and it works for them.Most seem to be using a magic Suzuki needle.I think we will try it.
I looked through the jetting sticky and their were so many different combos getting the same results for the same bikes that I couldnt really get a line on it.Ive read through some of jetting threads.Sounds like you need at least an f needle to get the bike to idle.But to run right the f needle has to be all the way down.So I say ok g needle then.Ive looked tbrough the site and some guys ar? running the g needle and it works for them.Most seem to be using a magic Suzuki needle.I think we will try it.

Remember that you have an AS1 carb and not the ASII. They jet up differently, so if you use the suzuki needles NEDW and NEDJ, it is going to be much to lean for your bike.
So for some of you tuners out there.What wud your baseline numbers be for an 03 300 with an fmf pipe being ridden at 1200 ft elevation average in temps between 50 and 70.degrees f.It has a number 7 slide also

I know you cant jet a bike without really having the thing in front of you and a place to test.But. what would your numbers be to start with based on your practical experience.

Ill let you guys know who the winner is after we get it dialed in.
Remember that you have an AS1 carb and not the ASII. They jet up differently, so if you use the suzuki needles NEDW and NEDJ, it is going to be much to lean for your bike.

Much appreciated.If I have to get it dialed by elimination we will take it anyway we can get it.Carbs a bitch to deal with.Bikes got an oversize tank to boot.

Were you having the same issues?
The bike was really going through the fuel too.Bikes high geared right now and was being used in Baja Mexico by a guy that retired there.13/43.I know I know but Its actually rideable.Another issue is we cant get the nut tightened down on the rear axle without putting the rear.wheel in a bind.You gotta back the nut totally off to get it to free spool.
My bike was bogging at the top end wouldn't get on the power valve,lots of exhaust spooge, after reading the jetting stuff on here I went for the N3CJ #3 42 178 1.5 turns a/s and it ran way better loads of torque and pulls all the way at the top ,feels like a totally different bike,I can't recommend it enough:D
Then we will try that.Really appreciate the info.I think the I80 main and the 40 pilot puts us in the ballpark.
Tuning bikes for the Tillamook forest can be tricky.Elevation and temperature play a role.But we arestill close to the ocean.You can feel that ocean breeze on the mountain.When you.come over the mountain on Hwy 6 headed west it hits you.I think their is more oxygen circling up there.Wierd I know.
Good luck,let us know how it goes, I think as long as you throw away the N1EF your making progress, absolute piece of crap:p