Differences between '02 and '06 EC 300?


I've been out of touch since 2015-ish, ever since I sold my '06 EC300, but I've since run across an '02 that looks good. There is NO info I can find online regarding detailed descriptions of the year-to-year changes, maybe there's something on this site?

To be honest, I did not ride my '06 that much as it was not set up nearly right for me and other priorities came up, and as I ran across the '02 my memory was that my previous bike was really a '97 or something like that, so I was kind of disappointed to discover that I'm looking at a bike 4 years OLDER ('02) than the one I HAD ('06).....

I'm sure it makes no difference at my skill level, I'd just like to know the differences.

If they were both 100% original here's some differences -

02 will be 43mm WP forks or possibly the Ohlins option that year.
06 will be 45mm Marzocchi forks.
Both will have Ohlins shock but 06 has got a HS comp adjuster.
06 gets slightly smaller lighter cases as the counterbalancer cavity finally gets deleted.
02 frame is nickel plated, 06 is powercoated.
CDI has 2 maps built in on 06, difference between maps isn't much as I remember.
02 had 7/8" bar mounts standard, 06 was 1 1/8".
Swingarm pivot bolt was larger in 06.
Plastic will interchange but shape is updated on 06 (07 got the newer subframe, one piece tail plastic)
Fuel tank and seat are slightly different, 06 is a little easier to get forward on.
Frame is slightly different in motor mount location, steering head angle and bracing.

The two are close enough that most everything interchanges. In the end, for most people, a really nice 02 isn't really a step backwards from an 06.
Yes! Thanks, I could find NO documentation online. The '02 has Ohlins forks, were they 43mm also? Considered better than the WP? Splitting hairs here, not like it would make a difference to me.

Counterbalance cavity? So the '02 HAS a counterbalancer, or just retained a cavity from a previous version of the engine?

I recall also sensing no difference between the maps on the '06 myself.

Thanks again for the info, if you were to say that a major model upgrade happened between the 2 then I MIGHT keep looking for a later model for my $$. I'm sure you're aware, prices (and lack of availability) of good used 2-strokes of this caliber and vintage is insane as of the past few years.
Ohlins forks are still very sought after far superior than the WP, not sure of the size. 02 did not have the counterbalance just gas gas never changed the case if you can find the parts you can put it in.
Ohlins forks are still very sought after far superior than the WP, not sure of the size. 02 did not have the counterbalance just gas gas never changed the case if you can find the parts you can put it in.

With some machining! The holes are there but they are blanked. Would be easy to do but the parts would be hard to get. It was for my 04 back when I had it 10 years ago.
The 02 GG with Ohlins forks is a very nice bike! We have two GG bikes with Ohlins forks in our riding group of nine pre 2004 GG bikes. The Ohlins forks are quality pieces, look cool and work well.

The counter balencer parts have become unobtainium unless you find a pre 1999 EC250.

If the 02 GG is clean and well maintianed I would not be afraid to pick it up.
This is great info. My hesitation now is the added shipping cost, it's a hike from me and shipping would add 400-650$ to the price. Bike looks to be in great shape, though.
Please keep us posted when you get your bike as in what condition, etc. Then another update after a ride or two. Thanks !