Dirt Bike Magazine XC300 Test


New member
This was cross-referenced in the Dirt Rider review thread but Dirt Bike has finally posted the e-version of the review in last month's paper mag.


Some interesting comments about the bike and the industry in general - the list of "Highs" included 'perfectly smooth', 'no stalls', 'lightest clutch-pull ever', and 'excellent parts and details' but here's the money quote ...

"The off-road motorcycle world is heading straight for GasGas right now, so the company shouldn't move."
I have about 23 hrs on my new '12 250 es. I concur with everything positive they said in the DB article. This bike is so easy to ride, it's almost ridiculous.......Coming off a 310 Husky w/Rekluse(which is very easy to ride and adaptable), I had some reservations about how I'd adapt to this new 2t given I had ridden quite a few different 2ts of various brands and sizes with varying success. After a couple hours those reservations melted away & now that the suspension & everything is fully broke-in, I can't help grinning during each ride. Almost like this bike was custom built for me.......
One point I'd challenge the db article on is that they say the 300 motor isn't real fast..... What they should have said is that it doesn't feel fast. There's a big difference. Tractability and smoothness is way more important to actually going fast than having an engine dump it's power like a bomb going off.
In a drag race, my 250 easily handles any other equivalent bike, yet the seat of the pants feel would lead one to think it may be slower. Most 2ts I ride with always seem to be spinning their rear tires, yet mine only spins when I really want it to. I'm going just as fast or faster than they are, yet using less gas & waaay less wear & tear on my machine.
They must like the bike. I still can't get it back from them!
One thing that frustrates me about these guys is that they complain about the suspension when they never changed the springs to fit their weight. It's not going to work correctly with springs that are too light.
Good write up, and nice feedback from Bj. I agree completely about the bike not feeling fast. I don't find it anywhere near under powered. It'll smash along just as fast as a KTM 500 when its up on the pipe.

Clay, on the brightside most people who know bikes already understand that the bike will need to be resprung and often revalved. It would be nice if they had of pointed that out for the masses though. Keep up the good work!
Doesn't feel fast is a good statement. I rode this weekend with a local rider who is a regular on the Nat Enduro cicuit with good results, last year in our state harescramble series I used this rider to gauge my progress and could never match their pace...with my 'new to me 2010' I was able to stay behind them comfortably and if given the chance to start in front of them could put considerable distance on them. it doesn't feel like I'm going any faster but I know they aren't going any slower... new bike is awesome!!