Dropping some weight & increasing fitness

Well, I think I will stick with the old "well-balanced" meals plan and eat smaller portions and eat 5 small meals a day rather than the big 3. Seems to work pretty well for me as I am sticking at the 15-20 lbs. dropped point so far.

I have cut out empty carbs, late night deserts and my big weakness: chips

I have also conquered a 12 year addiction to diet coke. Been off for 3 weeks now and am just drinking water, lemonade, milk, OJ.

Gotta get more serious about exercise as it has been hit and miss with a busy schedule, but I think I can drop some serious lbs. if I get consistent.


Sorry for the thread mine but I am very interested in these discussions. I am 6'1" and about 220. I have been trying to beat my genes all of my life and have a tendency to get fat fast. Add a love of beer, pastries and good food and it's a bad recipe. THE best ever exercise I have done is also the simplest to do, easiest to access, cheap and VERY effective.


I have tried weights, running, cycling, swimming, and personal trainers. All have been effective but nothing comes close to the effectiveness of Kettlebells. Check the 'swing' exercise out and think what position your body is in when in the attack position? Your wife will also love you for it....pounding power!
I don't sell them either!
They are good, but its easier for the novice to get hurt than most other workouts. Some gyms don't have them for that reason. I do a lot of TRX training, five days a week, one very hard core day with a psycho girl instructor.:eek: She also does kettlebells, and is developing a TRX/kettlebell fusion workout. Should be killer.