I have recently acquired a 2003 EC250. This bike starts very easily but runs badly. The engine barely picks up in the first 3 gears, refuses to run at slow speed and fouls the plug after about an hour of riding.
The current set up is:
38 Pilot
180 main
Running 40:1 mix
The bike barely ticks over with the adjuster wound all the way in and the air/mixture screw has no effect on the way it runs regardless where I turn it.
Is there a general base setting anyone can recommend for me to start with? As I don't really know where to begin. There are no air leaks and I believe the crank seals are good.
I am approx 100 metres above sea level and temp averages around 12 centigrade.
The current set up is:
38 Pilot
180 main
Running 40:1 mix
The bike barely ticks over with the adjuster wound all the way in and the air/mixture screw has no effect on the way it runs regardless where I turn it.
Is there a general base setting anyone can recommend for me to start with? As I don't really know where to begin. There are no air leaks and I believe the crank seals are good.
I am approx 100 metres above sea level and temp averages around 12 centigrade.