EC300 Idle Revisited.

I tried to find the jet block o ring in a exploded view of the carb, but it's not shown ???
Let me know
Thanks !!!
There's a thread around here with pictures of everything but I couldn't find it. It's very obvious how things are put together when you take it apart.
There's a thread around here with pictures of everything but I couldn't find it. It's very obvious how things are put together when you take it apart.

Good find !!!
I asked my bud to take his carb off and drop it off so I could take the jet block out and check it.
We were talking about this the other day...and because he's a beginner and new to the sport he didn't know that his bike was running like crap...he thought that was just how they are.
So, he's been riding the bike like this for almost 2 years, none of us knew until I took his bike for a good runs like s*#t.
So, I am on a mission to get it straightened out.
When I ran across your post, I thought that sounds just like the issue my buddy is having.
We'll see
In any case, thanks for posting it !!!
Could you use Permatex or Yamabond in place of a gasket or is it too critical? orings are easy to source.
If you even touch the idle air screw .......

This might be totally non applicable, BUT I have noticed that when I adjust the idle air screw, it effects the spark plug. Sometimes it just fouls it out and the bike dies. Sometimes, what is even worse then a dead bike, is it starts running very erratic and strange, almost to the point you think there are some major issues.

Again, dont know if this helps, but thought it might.


Another thought.... Is your idle adjustment screw the plastic one or a brass one?
I had the plastic idle screw get hammered flat on one side from the slide being
dropped on it over time. Or maybe someone in camp kept snapping the throttle
when I was not looking....?!?!??
The bike would barely idle. If you turn the screw maybe 1/4 turn it would rev up
big time. Keep turning for a full turn and it would barely idle again.
I replaced the screw and problem fixed.
Worth the 5 min. to check.
Hmmmm... I think I replaced it with another plastic one, but, I can't
remember for sure... It has been a few years since this happened.
I think a brass one may be available from Sudco or maybe as an
OEM part from another bike that uses the Keihein carb. I think my
KDX200 uses the same slide screw..?!?!?? I'd have the pull them both
to be sure.
My 06 300ec has that plastic idle screw also. I have it turned almost all the way in and the bike is just on the edge of an acceptable idle, not far from just dying out. I took the carb apart 3 times when I first got the bike (used) to try and find some trash in the pilot jet- its 100% clean but the bike runs like one that is plugged. The carb is also bad to start peeing fuel when stopped on the trail, I am always turning the gas off like I'm riding some 1976 Husky or something! I need to check the float needle to see what's up but been too lazy to take the carb apart again.

So I take it that others are also running this idle screw turned very far in?

I got the idea from the first owner that this bike has also been a "shut the fuel off anytime you stop riding" sort of bike. Anyone else had this experience?
Your float level is set too high, or less likely your needle valve is leaking. Most bikes with this carb come with it set too high. Fix this before any other jetting work.

The idle speed screw should not be in that far, as it lifts the slide and your now pulling fuel from the needle ckt making the pilot ineffective.
Your float level is set too high, or less likely your needle valve is leaking. Most bikes with this carb come with it set too high. Fix this before any other jetting work.

The idle speed screw should not be in that far, as it lifts the slide and your now pulling fuel from the needle ckt making the pilot ineffective.

thanks, I'll check the float level.

I know what your saying on the pilot, but I have checked and re-checked that thing. The bike has the LTR jetting and I have several extra pilots around, I have a new one the same number even, and it runs the same on all of them. I have also checked the passage as well as I can for some obstructions and could not find anything. I have been riding it for a couple a months like this because I gave up on it. It does idle but just barely and there is some adjustment left on the screw but like others said- anymore and it starts to idle too high, like you said its on the needle at that point. A new pilot has always solved this problem for me but not on this bike.

Any other ideas?
knobby I have an 06 300 and it never had a problem with gas coming out the drain tube ... my bike never idled very well unitl I leaned it out this summer
Fix the float first, and make sure everything else is sound. If you can't get it close I'd try going to a leaner slide (#7 to #8) and trying again. The RBD head mod really helps clean up the 300 as well.
I finally got my float level adjusted, got out last weekend on a big snowy trail ride in the mountains. No more fuel leaking out. I still think the idle is fairly different from any other bike I have had, but hey- it idles, and the bike absolutely runs fantastic. This was the first real ride where I could see what all the hoopla is about with this GG bike. The handling was so bad the last time I was out on it that I could not really appreciate the power quality. I had made a lot of changes on the suspension settings, dropped the forks in the clamps down to the caps and got a stock seat. These changes added up to put the handling in the ballpark for me. Still considering stiffer fork springs but it rode very good last weekend just like it is.