Engine/pipe/radiator protection for 09 ec300


New member
I have a brand new 09 ec300 on the way :D and I want to get some protection on the way as well. I've done some research and have some idea as to what I may want to get, but I'd love to hear some opinions or suggestions.

Here's what I'm thinking of going with.

Pipe guard and skidplate Hyde combined guard and plate. I like the fact that it's light and may also have less friction than aluminum. Really costs no less than buying separate pieces.

Radiator guards Maybe Scorpion? (They only list up to 08 though) Does Flatland make a guard for 09? Does 09 still use the same radiator as KTM? I want full guards, not just frame, since we get deep into the sticks sometimes.

Handguards I've been happy with my Cyrcra's so I may just move them over to the GG, but I'm open to suggestions.
I have the Hyde Skid Plate/Pipe Combo on my 2007 and I like it. It's protective, it's quiet, and it provides good coverage. So far, no problems with mud buildup or breakage. I also hear they are coming out with a new design in the next 30 days (contact them). I've learned not to care for aluminum plates with solid mounts: They stiffen the bike, adversely affect the handling, and vibrate a good bit (I eventually break the mounts due to excessive vibration).

Radiator guards: Bulletproof Designs guards are good (have them) but I'm going with Unabiker guards (another thread) as they look cool and seem to have a good design.

Handguards: I have Cycra and they are fine, I have Acerbis wraparounds and they are fine. I would just go with what you already have! As a side note, try to get an aluminum throttle tube with a bearing that works with handguards as they have a nice consistent "feel".

Good Luck!

The Scorpion radiator braces are very nice. They do not interfere with the radiator schroud fitting and appear to be bullet proof. We put a couple of sets on the 2011 models but I don't know if they will fit the 09 or not.
i also have the hyde, and the only reason it picks up dirt around the pipe is because i havnt taken the time to put foam there. they arnt terribly difficult to remove and put back on, but the forward mount was not the correct width when i bought it. i bent it around some and didnt worry about it, and it hasnt been a problem.