Erzberg Rodeo - EC 300

Great find!

Found myself almost shouting at the screen willing him up to the top of some of those climbs..:D
is it me, or does the gasser make it seem easier then with other bikes? :-)
the guys seems allmost like he's cruizin'
Very good videos.

He does seem to be crusing on the easy stuff, apart from at the start.
He makes the climbs seem easy - I suspect hes quite a good rider - maybe not crazy fast but slow and steady.

The camera view makes it hard to appreciate the gradients i think. At one point he stalls at the top of a climb, and turns his head to see someone else comming up - thats when it looks steep.

At other times its only people standing at an angle to the hill that shows you just how steep it it.
My daughters and I watched this last night. They were shocked at how smoothly this guy rides (you can tell by the lack of helmet moving). I think he's a phenomenal rider. That 300 really attacks the hills. It was really good work.

Thanks for highlighting it.
I actually thought the Erzburg was harder...I mean it doesnt look easy but there was no absolutely rediculous sections. I've riden areas just as hard in the western PA woods...not as many long loose hills here though. I thought almost no one finished that race it was so rediculous.
I actually thought the Erzburg was harder...I mean it doesnt look easy but there was no absolutely rediculous sections. I've riden areas just as hard in the western PA woods...not as many long loose hills here though. I thought almost no one finished that race it was so rediculous.

Very few finish in the time allowed. I have a video of the 2009? race and I see none of those sections from the video on this guys clips. Most people time out I believe, and maybe this guy didn't make it to the crazy sections like Carl's Diner and the stairway climb. Notice his postscript didn't say he finished, it said he made it to the 4th checkpoint. From my viewing of the video it is a VERY difficult course.
The 300 probably made it easier:)
I didnt say it wasnt difficult looking. But from the one professional Erzberg movie (2008 maybe) I saw, there was some sections that looked like pure hell, that I likely could not even get accross, huge rocks and such. Most of that shown looked hard but doable. Maybe the rediculous stuff is just closer to the end and not shown in his videos.
Pretty sure that there are 7 checkpionts and then the finish, and the last 2 sections are the 'carls diner' and the 'stairway' which they only expect the top 10-20 guys to reach let alone get through.

The Guy in the vid didnt make it to the 45' angle cement pipes which are before the tougher sections, we probably only sore a fraction of the course.