For Fun: 2013 XC 300E Real World Weight

I love the weight discussion threads :D

I love my porkie EC as well. I feel its weight when my weak frame has to lift its heavy ass. That is the only time. Side to side movement, turning ability, picking it up from a fall etc don't indicate its weight. Everyone who's rode the bike comments on how agile it is.

Put me in the boat with everyone else who thinks its a trade off, strength vs weight. I'm happy to take the weight penalty in order for the gains it offers.
I havn't weighed my '12 but byost's numbers are the same for my '07 ready to ride, fully armored and fueled. I think off idle torque has much more of an effect on how heavy a bike is perceived than a few lbs difference. Thats why a very light 450F MX bike still feels like a bus in the trees. If weight is an absolute big deal, get a 125/144/150.
in 03 at a mid-south harescramble, I was on a kx200 and Scott Summers, came up behind me and smoothly went around me like he was sailing a boat, it was almost pleasant, like watching "poetry in motion" from how smooth he was, compared to how some of the other AA riders would pass you, and other than being one of the greatest offroad riders of his time, he was super smooth and his bike was super heavy!
I could see trying to make a bike as light as it could be if you were going to do the Tn Knockout, when you need to carry it up the mtn.
everbody has said this already, but its what it rides like, not what it weighs.
A couple yrs ago a guy posted on a forum "should I buy the titanium bolt and axel kit to save 4lbs for $2,500.00?" and i was like heck no!, go take a big poop and lose a back up bike get your suspension done, buy a stabilizer, but dont but a ti bolt and axel kit, unless, Bobbit is beating you by half a second in each section? in that case knock yourself out!
the manufacturing trick, would be, "how can we make it do everthing it does rt now for you Jackobi, but be light when you need to pick it out of the dirt, which is really a totally irrelevent question, cause none of us ever crash.......right?
Roscoe is correct, and I've said this before as well. They are a little heaver but they are tough. One of my buddies that has had nothing but KTMs for awhile commented on how his new pumpkin has such thin and fragile brackets, mounts, etc. and stuff is always bending. Nothing is free guys, its all an engineering compromise.

I agree with you 100%
Stolen from another forum:

OK, the shocking results. I used the one tire on the scale method, it was repeatable, so it seems to be accurate. The scale has not been calibrated so use it as a comparison rather than "actual" weights. I put every bike I had kicking around the shop this morning to give a good overall comparison. It's funny this started as a Gas Gas question because there were interesting results all around.

03 RM250- full woods setup, skid, rad, disc, wraparound hand guards 1 gallon gas --- 252lbs

07 WR450- full woods setup, skid, rad, disc, wraparound hand guards, every weight saving mod possible besides removing starter, 1/2 gallon gas --- 266lbs

11 Gas Gas Nambotin 300- skid plate, no hand guards, etc, 1.5 gallons fuel --- 252lbs

07 KTM 300XCW- skid plate, no hand guards, etc 1.5 gallons fuel --- 252lbs

XR650L- stock besides oversize tank 3.5 gallons fuel --- 358lbs

05 RM100- handguards 1.25 gallons fuel --- 174lbs

07 WR250- stock 1 gallon fuel --- 260lbs

00 KTM50 SX- stock- 1/2 gallon fuel --- 93lbs