Force Radiator Guards Install Q


New member
So I installed my guards finally yesterday...have one question I could not figure out how zip tie the top mount anymore (radiator plastic). Just seemed like the zip tie was to short to go around anything now. Any advice?
I have the Force rad guards on my ec250. Could U explain what U mean by ziptieing the plastic rad shrouds? To attach the shrouds, U use two screws into the gas tank and one bolt into the bottom of the Force guard. No zipties.
Maybe the previous owner added the zip ties...

Right, there are two screws into the tank and the bottom bolt that goes into radiator/guard. On the plastic there is "plastic nub" that also goes into the radiator/guard. There are two holes in this "plastic nub" that you can thread a zip tie through and go around the hole with the groment that the "nub" goes through...

Hopefully my explanation makes sense. I rode without it ziptied on that upper attachment and didn't notice the plastic flapping around, so I guess this is an unneeded mod someone did.
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I see what U mean now. Yes, I have read that sometimes a an obsticle on the trail can reach out grab a radiator shroud and rip it off. Probly a good idea actually to bring them in closer to the frame to prevent this. I'm sure there is way U can tighten the front up again. Thanks for bringing it up. I need to do the same.