Ok, been back out into the garage - took off the cap from the master-cyclinder to check fluid wasnt stupidy high (As i bled brake using new fluid; before i realised the pads were low).
And it was a touch high, so i dropped a little out, so its at the top of the sight-glass with bike sitting level.
Then took off caliper again, pumped brakes a few times till pads almost touched, then pushed pistons back in again (Pretty easily and with no fuss) and then re-attatched the caliper to fork leg. I checked the wheel spun fine without the caliper fitted and indeed it did
Pumped brakes a few times, to get pads out,and brakes still binding

If i spin the wheel hard as i can by hand - i can barely get one revolution before it stops.
So: No leaks, new fluid, new pads, brakes working ok, but binding slightly ?
Im no brake expert at-all, but i can only think seals were ok where they were with old pads fitted, but having disturbed them in fitting fresh pads the piston / pistons are now sticking slightly.
Plausable ?