Gas Gas bike test forum spot


Gold Level Site Supporter
Instead of putting a sticky on the Gas Gas bike tests and putting them in the general discussion forum it would be neat to have a special bike tests forum spot. Where over the years we all could go and look back at info on previous and current models. Easy to find with a nice heading and not cluttering up other sections. IMO. Just a thought, any feedback?
I think this would be a good idea. It would be easier to locate reviews when new folks come to this site.

Another option would to rename the forum "ride reports" to something like "bike reviews & ride reports".
I think some things work best in forums and others work best on their own web pages. I also think that many things that get "stickied" - should be their own web page somewhere... This sounds like something that would go well on gasgaswiki...

What ??? What the heck is Gasgaswiki, and where do I find it?

What is this Gasgaswiki ?? Is it another forum or a part of this forum, or something else like a websight.

I think having past tests of previous years Gassers would be a great buyers aid. I would suggest that it go into the For Sale/Trade section. I just bought a 2004 MC and would love to see how it stacked up against the fab 4 and orange bikes.

This is where I go for all of my Gas gas knowlage. I would like to see any additional gasser knowlage kept here where it is simple and convienient to find.
Talking to myself.... Again !!

GasgasWiki isnt really anything. I tried a google search and got It sais its a future website. There are links to other things, some of which are just references to 'Gas', like stoves, prices, and other non-motorcycle related topics. It is basicaly a word search like Google, only not nearly as powerful.

Bottom line is that I never found any past years Gasser tests.

What is a "stickie" ?

Since I have dedided to convert to exclusively a Gas gas rider and supporter, I intend to own only Gassers from here out. (NO MORE HONDAS) It seems that the resale value on these bikes is something less than half the retail sales price new. I expect to be needing info on past tests and shootouts with other brands in the future.

I would settle for a link to a collection of tests if adding them to this forum is just too difficult to manage.
FFRDave, A Sticky is a way to keep a topic on top of a forum thread so when its opened up its at or near the top. But depending on if there are more than one over time they can be lost in a mix of stickies.

I thought a Gas Gas test forum spot would have got a greater response also. It just seemed to me it would be the best way to organize so we could look up old and new tests. I feel a bold heading on the Gas Gas forum main page(Model Tests) would get a lot of attention. That doesn't mean just enduro models, include trials bikes to Quads and everything in between.

Then when newbies or those orange bike owners come on here it would be easy to find. You never know they may just be so intrigued and try one after they read some info, along with all the personal praise we Gas Gas owners give the brand in other threads.

I personally never have used a wiki page and probably wont.
I would like to see this as well. As an "orange guy" over hear gathering as much info as possible for a possible brand switch a forum devoted to just the bike tests would be great. It would most likely be the first place us non GG owners would look at. I am greatly enjoying going through all the info here (some very late nights) but am surprised that there seems to be only a few links to GG tests. Are there any other test/reviews of GG bikes people can point me to either in magazines or on the web?

Skidad in MA

Thanks for the support Skidad & Reverup.

I hope the "Powers that Be" will hear our little voiced crying in the darkness for information.

Every magazine has a dirtbike shoot-out and tests of Hondas, Kawa., Susucki, & Yamaha as well as KTMs. They are easy to find and readily available. These test articals are used by dealerships to demonstrate teh capabilities and advantages of their models.

One of the major disadvantages that Gas gas has is lack of dealer support, marketing and advertising. It all boils down to money. Gas gas cannot pay for all of that advertising and hype. All of that said, they do have one great advantage - US. We, the Gas gas riders, do have the ability to spread the word. This websight is a powerful tool, but if there is no hard test data available here then this tool is inefective.
As a matter of fact this websight could be doing harm to the Gas gas reputation. After I began to look at the Smackover sight, and then a little later, this sights two-stroke and chassis forums, I saw a lot of people having trouble with their gassers. There was the carburator problems, the kickstand issues, squishband, kickstarter problems, and the list goes on. It would be easy for someone to see all of that and determine that Gassers were problematic machines. The truth is that out of thousands of people who own Gassers a few people have had a few problems with various parts of the machines (its just that all of those problems were concentrated here).
This is why I am always spouting about how much I love my Gas gas.

Some Gasser tests with posative input and comparisons to other brands and models would be a great help to our brand. Right now THIS is the place to get info on Gassers. I think we should take the lead.
I hope the "Powers that Be" will hear our little voiced crying in the darkness for information.

I put this thread together in the mean time until the GasGasWiki gets up and running. Hopefully, this is satisfactory for now.

As a matter of fact this websight could be doing harm to the Gas gas reputation. ...I saw a lot of people having trouble with their gassers. There was the carburator problems, the kickstand issues, squishband, kickstarter problems, and the list goes on.... The truth is that out of thousands of people who own Gassers a few people have had a few problems with various parts of the machines (its just that all of those problems were concentrated here)..

This is true with any "brand-focused" forum. These forums act as a support group. All brands have their issues, some more-so than others. Look how many issues are discussed on KTMTalk. You can also see similar "problem issues" discussed on forums such as ThumperTalk in their sub-forums (based on individual brands). The point is all of these forums discuss issues with bikes and they provide a means for us solving our own issues.

I spend a good deal of time on many other forums. One of the key aspects for me to return to GasGas was this website. On GasGas Rider's Club, we act as a very close-knit group of riders. There is no bashing going on... only people reaching out and trying to help others. IMHO, it was this website and a solid performing bike which made the decision easy for me to return.
Yes, I agree totaly

When I first started looking into kit cars on Factory Five Racing Owners Group, I saw that there were so many problems with the builds. I began to question my decision to get into the kit car hobbie. Then I realized that FFROG is a clearinghouse for problems and solutions. I did get my FFR Coupe, and every drive in that car is a total thrill ride.

I love my Gas gas !!

I also love this Gas gas websight, and only want to see it get better. That is why I have come out so strongly to promote the suggestion that started this thread.

Sorry for the drama though... I guess "my little voice crying in the darkness" has been heared.