Gas gas ec 300 2000 year, what shock absorber ohlins oil ?


New member
Hey. Does anyone know what value of cSt Ohlins oil to apply to the Ohlins rear shock absorber in gas gas ec 300 2000? Or number of Ohlins oil?
Ohlins 1304 ..11cst@40C Was used in 2006-2013, and would imagine it would be same/similar for the earlier models too. TTX also used same same.

I have always used a synthetic fluid at 15.7cst@40 in all my shocks and forks and find it works well.
Thanks a lot guys. Last time I found that first model gas gas ec 300 was 1306 ohlins oil with 14 cSt 40, next models gas gas it was 11 cSt 1304 ohlins oil.