GasGas factory, why terrible jetting?


Why oh why is the GasGas factory still sending bikes off the production line with terrible jetting? With a needle that doesn't suit the engine.

As far as I know this has been going on for over a decade.

I'm a big fan of GasGas enduro bikes but I feel this is damaging their reputation.

OK, some people have the time/patience/money to buy and try different jets/needles and find help from online forums (like this fantastic forum :)) but unfortunately some people just give up trying to jet their GasGas, sell the bike and buy another brand. :(

Thankfully, through this forum, I found the Suzuki NECW needle that suits my bike well and I'm really happy.

Would it be better to supply new bikes with a jetting kit, comprising of a range of pilots/mains/needles, encouraging owners to find the best setup? Or would this just be asking owners to seize their engines and then blame the factory?

What do you think? :confused:
All bikes that aren't fuel injected will need to be jetted. Honestly, the factory can't jet every bike for every location, temp, and humidity on earth. I will say, though, the vast majority don't like the factory needle and I think GG should change it out to something that works for more riders.
I totally agree. And while we are on the subject, why the horrible loose squish on the head? My 2018 xc250 went on reserve when my buddies 2017 Husky TE300 was only 1/3 down the tank. I use at least twice the fuel of his 300 with the stock needle (I have the NEDW on order) and it kills the performance. I don't think that needle works for anyone.
Maybe Keihin supply them like that? It's a shame as most cant see past this.

Fuel injected bikes are often worse.

I curse and Spit on your NECW which I have never tried.

True believers will know the enlightened path is the other RM250 needle - NEDJ you Heretic.

. . . and that was how it began
I had a 05 300 with a round top carb with ltr needle which was a ddk that thing sipped gas 85 miles to tank all my newer bikes are harder on gas
Crappy factory needles and squish plagues almost every 2 stroke I have ever owned, is certainly not limited to GG. The why shall remain a mystery of the ages lol
Does anyone know where the standard jetting is supposed to be set for?

My 2019 EC300 needed the float setting, a new needle and every jet changed to make it rideable. Once it was set up properly, I got double the distance to a tank.

If the factory are just fitting every bike with a crap jetting setup then it doesn't look like any testing or R&D is going on. Not even feedback from supported riders.
Maybe Keihin supply them like that? It's a shame as most cant see past this.

Fuel injected bikes are often worse.

I curse and Spit on your NECW which I have never tried.

True believers will know the enlightened path is the other RM250 needle - NEDJ you Heretic.

. . . and that was how it began
Yep it always gets my hair up when i read new bike magazine reviews and they start talking about bad jetting* and the tyres it is fitted with!! Tyres really gets my goat, there are just too many variables to selecting a tyre

*(although any brand agent with half a brain cell would know to have the bike properly jetted before delivery, so in a way it is maybe the bike magazine saying"serves you right!")
Yep it always gets my hair up when i read new bike magazine reviews and they start talking about bad jetting* and the tyres it is fitted with!! Tyres really gets my goat, there are just too many variables to selecting a tyre

*(although any brand agent with half a brain cell would know to have the bike properly jetted before delivery, so in a way it is maybe the bike magazine saying"serves you right!")

I agree Matt..

Surely if you were the bloke handing a bike over to a magazine for testing purposes you'd be making sure the bike is ready to ride.. Since I threw a Suzuki needle into the demo for my dealer (15 model) he has been supplying the new bikes with the needle fitted...

He won't do it for me (I squeeze him on price), but does for anyone else buying a bike off the floor.. Just makes sense to spend a few extra dollars to ensure the rider is happy.

The NOZ/N1E needles have come in Betas, TMs, KTM SX models, and probably more as well.. I'd say they are just a generic 3 taper not owned by any particular brand.
I wouldnt be surprised to find some emissions requirement, and jetting them fatter will mean no nipping up until the owner does something non standard, voiding warranty.
Why oh why is the GasGas factory still sending bikes off the production line with terrible jetting? With a needle that doesn't suit the engine.

As far as I know this has been going on for over a decade.

I'm a big fan of GasGas enduro bikes but I feel this is damaging their reputation.

OK, some people have the time/patience/money to buy and try different jets/needles and find help from online forums (like this fantastic forum :)) but unfortunately some people just give up trying to jet their GasGas, sell the bike and buy another brand. :(

Thankfully, through this forum, I found the Suzuki NECW needle that suits my bike well and I'm really happy.

Would it be better to supply new bikes with a jetting kit, comprising of a range of pilots/mains/needles, encouraging owners to find the best setup? Or would this just be asking owners to seize their engines and then blame the factory?

What do you think? :confused:

We bought two identical 300 GP/18's. My mates run very well from day one, mine was burbling down low. We both set the float height a tad lower to stop gas spilling at moderate lean angles. We both changed the 172 main vs a 170. His run great with just minor AS adjustments. Mine didn't.

I installed a JD kit and I am happy since. His still runs great and he never touched the carb again, it consumes just a bit more gas than mine.

Found a NECW needle in my jet box but not sure if it could improve anything....