I took your advice a few posts back Rodent and tried adjusting the power valve (Just knocked it back from 2 turns out to 1.5 turns). Did not change the shit running.
What was the problem with the adjustment of your power valve and how did you fix it?
You need to re-read the manual, you have adjusted the powervalve to not give you heaps of top end punch, you need 2+ turns to get the sucker hopping. Where is says "tighten" in
red below it actually means CCW
Mine is set at 2 1/4 turns CCW.
Centrifugal external adjustment system
Adjustment of the pre-loading of the centrifugal spring
Dismantling and adjustment:
1. Remove the plug (1) with a 27mm wrench.
2. Secure the adjustment screw (2) with a 2.5mm Allen key and loosen the
locknut (3) with a 6mm angled spanner.
3. Tighten the screw (CW) (2) to the bottom and then
tighten(CCW) according to the
recommendation table.
1. Secure the rotation of the adjustment screw (2) with a 2.5mm Allen key
and tighten the locknut (3) with a 6mm angled spanner in order to lock the
adjustment system.
2. Ensure the correct positioning and condition of the copper gasket (4) replace
the plug (1) and tighten with a 27mm spanner and a maximum torque of 25Nm.
Pre-load value
Site conditions or circuit type Engine performance.
1 turn 14.2 (250/300) No grip (snow or mud) Power and RPM limitation.
1.5 turn 14.6 (250/300) Difficult grip or technical circuit Smooth power delivery
2 turns(standard) 15 (250/300) Correct grip or combination circuit Optimum/standard
2.5 turns 15.4 (250/300) Fast circuit Live engine
3 turns 15.8 (200/250/300) Very fast circuit Low torque at low RPM and aggressive engine