Getting back into the sport


New member
Hey All,

I have been in and out of the forum since 08 when I bought my 03 DE200. I have only ridden 3 times in the past 2 years since my son was born. A buddy of mine just got a DRZ400 and we spent some time messing around in vacant lots which reminded me how much I love it! Now of course we have big plans to go every weekend as soon as it warms up.

I am 31 now and have been riding on and off since I was 16 but would still consider myself very conservative/novice rider. The only places I have to ride near my house are OHV parks with a mix of trails and moto style track. I would say I spend 90 percent trails 10 percent track.

Having kids makes a guy think about safety more than I used to. I always wore full gear but have never worn a neck brace. My neighbor who rides motocross saw someone break his neck at the track not wearing a brace. I was wondering, are neck braces for trail riders too? What are you guys wearing? Any recommends? Any to stay away from? I am 31 now crashing hurts a lot more than it used to so any other pads/safety gear you guys could recommend would be appreciated!

Separate question.

I am told that GG is no longer allowed to import their 4T with the yamaha engine? Anyone know if this will change anytime soon? I think its relatively easy to get a plate for a 4T you strap turn signals and a horn on here in IL. How do people like the 250?

Thanks all! This website has been invaluable to me since I bought the bike! One of the best parts about owning a gasser.

Hey Sam. Rekindling the flame! Its a bit addictive this bike riding business. I can't imagine myself giving up any time soon. I just turned 30 today so am about the same age as you, although I believe we're the youngens on this forum :D

Regarding the neck brace topic its a bit of a personal choice. There is a ton of reading on the subject and you'll find some people will swear against them and say that they inhibit the bodys natural ability to roll and flex during an impact. You'll find others who swear by them, and have had large stacks with them on to the extent of breaking the brace itself. You can only wonder where that engergy would have been absorbed if not through the brace. The real issue is that its impossible to test for every crash, and when they do occur you'll never be able to repeat it exactly the same way to know if the outcome would be any different with/without the brace.

I have been using a Leatt GPX Club 2 for some time now. Thankfully I haven't had to find its limits and hope not to. I ride trails only. I don't find it uncomfortable at all and it doesn't limit movement too badly. I also think that these look alright -
i am a 50 yr old trail rider who suffered a c1-c2 fracture ( yes , that is a broken neck.. top 2 verts), in 1995..

kinda spooky, sold all the stuff, then figured out a few years later i was not an invalid and decided to do as i felt i could.
i was wearing an evs rc4 and took a pretty good spill and actually broke the brace last year.. they refunded me the purchase price and i bought a leatt..
been very happy with it so far..
i think i will always wear one.. i have a very thick short neck, but it is very comfortable.. dont hardly notice it at all..
Hey Sam. Rekindling the flame! Its a bit addictive this bike riding business. I can't imagine myself giving up any time soon. I just turned 30 today so am about the same age as you, although I believe we're the youngens on this forum :D

Jake, that flame is the candle on your birthday cake - happy birthday old man ;)

I remember thirty - less and less everyday, as it was awhile ago :D

A good friend of mine was considering slowing down because he's almost forty - I said "me too", but in the other direction.
I do believe the Leatt is a collarbone breaker. Its all about energy transfer and that energy has to go somewhere. With a rigid frame brace that somewhere is your clavicles. I have a plate on my right one, and the Leatt sits right there over a very narrow area. It feels so nasty I can't stand even trying one on. A semi rigid brace like the EVS makes more sense to me. That was much more comfortable with its wider contact area, but very restrictive and airflow is limited. I'd like to wear one but have not found one I can tolerate yet.
I've tried on the Atlas, Leatt, Omega. and AStars Bionic, but if I was buying a neck brace today I'd pop for the Atlas Carbon. The mechanics of it seem to make sense - it moves independently with your shoulders, has a quick and logical disconnect in the event that it has to be removed while you're laid out, and the load from your helmet is directed into your pecs and shoulders instead of your spine and sternum.

FWIW Ryan Villiopoto just switched from A-Stars to Atlas, and I'm sure it wasn't for the money.
Cheers Steve! Just knockin back the second beer now :D A couple of women have suggested that they are the dirty thirties and then realised thats I trait I've always had. Hahaha!

Regarding the braces I'm with you on that one. If I was in the market for a new one it would be the atlas. The dynamics just seem to make sense. I'd love to try one on and see how it feels with the body armor.
Wear every piece of protective gear you can fit on your body. Muscle up to protect yourself even more. Ride smart.

31 years old?? HaHaHaHaHaHa....yeah you probably are the youngest on here.

I stopped for a few years too when my son was born. I think everyone feels that. However, we all seem to get back at it. Can't stay away from your passion.
I just started wearing the atlas brace last year. You don't even know you have it on. Went the Atlas route for the same reasons mentioned above. It just makes more sense than the Leatt. The atlas also works better with the rest of your gear and is easier to clean.
Thanks for all the info guys! I think I am gonna pull the trigger on an atlas. The motorcycle show is in town this weekend so I'm gonna try to get up there and hopefully try a few on mabe even get a deal.

Bandit: how do you like your WR450? I am toying with the idea of selling my BMW street bike and getting a plated 4 stroke. Have always liked the looks of the WR and the new FI ones look sweet, but I am worried 450 might be to much for off road.

Ha 31 might be young for a trail rider but boy I feel ancient at the track. I feel like I'm moving fast and then a pack of 13 year olds dusts me! Those kids have no fear!

Thanks for bringing this up, I'm looking at a kneck brace too...Atlas.

I know what you mean about being at the MX track too lol, I'm 38 and when I ride at the track I feel like a hay bail....I do get a kick out of the kids on 85cc machines roostin me out of corners though.
sammy I just started riding agian I am a 54 year old who is loving his 200 gasgas and I got a leatt and every other protective piece of gear . I have not missed a weekend in 4 months ! N now it is snowing I love riding in the snow ,just wish I could get more riders out ?
I picked up an Atlas this week, wife was giving me odd looks as I was wondering around the house wearing it and my helmet. I put the extra padding in over the shoulders and it feels great, got a long neck lol.

Cant wait till we get some riding weather, snowing here AGAIN today....BOOOOO.
No comment on braces apart from agreeing with GMP.
Get yourself some good armour with padding. I use a 661 assault suit, after numerous over the bars DH Mtbing and the odd MX off, at 43 it should hurt but I just roll and straight back on my feet, dust off and back on it. PAD UP !!!
I agree too, I wear the Thor armour. I like it because its all in 1. No need for seperate elbow/forearm armour or a chest protector. Zip it up, cinch down the built in kidney belt and your off.

Plus on hot days I can ditch my jersey and no one is offended by my man sized beer belly hangin out lol.

Atlas brace sits above the chest armour and to either side of the spine protection. Its awesome.