GG 300r- Help, cold start weird issue


New member
Hello guys!

Lets see if anyone can help...:D

My bike has a weird issue at cold start.
If i dont start the bike at least once a week, when i try to kickstart (dont have eletric start), it ends up with plug wet! I need to change the plug and i can start the bike easy after.

But the weird part is the fix that a found online!!

If i put the bike on her side and let fuel coming out the carb, i can cold start the bike with 1 or 2 kicks, easy. Even if i let the bike without running for weeks or months!!

This was a solution i found, but now its time to find out what is the real problem and fix it!!

Does anyone had this issue and/or know a fix for it??

Cheers from Portugal!! :)

Bike year & model = 2013 GG 300R
Needle & notch =NECW # 2
Main jet = 172
Pilot jet = 42
Air screw setting = 2
Elevation = 100/300 meters
Pretty common starting procedure for bikes with PWK carbs when they sit for even a week. I do this on my old KDX with the screw top PWK.

Anyway, I would bet the fuel bowl is dry and causing the float to stick or the needle to not seal properly and allowing the bowl to be overfilled a bit. I would probably clean the float's pivot point, it's pivot pin, polish the float seat, and install a new needle.
I run the fuel level down at the end of a ride by turning the gas off carefully before I get near the van.

This means the float valve is not in closed position for ages. Also the easiest block Pilot jet isn't sitting in slowly evaporating gas.