Aah, the bettlenut.
No never tried it, looks to disgusting.
Hardest case is the way they advertise it, like this:
1 Bettlenut 50 Toea (Cents)
3 Bettlenuts 2 Kina (Dollars)
Their reason is that if you can afford 3, you must be rich and therefore able to pay more. Go figure.
Another good one, that got me a couple of times, it the pidgin word dead.
A couple of times, one of the staff came in and said such and such were dead, laughing out loud, like it was hilarious. I usually panicked and went to find out more, only to see the "dead" person walking thru the door.
Later I found out that it meant falling over, and to actually die, you had to go "dead pinish". (p is pronounced like f).
Ask them about colours. Goes like this.
Local: its red.
Me: Is it this red (pointing to something red)
Local: no, more red.
Me: Is it this red.
Local: No, less red
Can go on for hours. You should try it over the phone, Ha.
Ah, good memories