hanging idle


New member
Hi everyone :) New to gas gas, just picked myself up a 99 ec300. test rode all ok, pulls and revs out all ok, just curious about the idle. seems a little high and hangs on a from a blip in neutral. Starts from cold without choke. It all seems crisp enough, but its been a while since I've owned a 2t. I turned the idle speed down, but it will idle for a few seconds like this then cut out. It didn't seem to bother the other guy, am I being fussy or should it idle steady and low ? An air leak possibly ? Thanks in advance for any info, like I say i'm brand new to these machines so just doing some groundwork :D sorry forgot to say, UK rider
I'd start by checking all the jets and carb settings. Know what they are set at so you have a baseline. I would compare this to the jetting database in the jetting forum and see if your bike is set outside a normal range of specs.

While you are doing this you can clean the carb out completely, and make any jetting changes that seem necessary based on the spec posted here.

Test and see if you are still experiencing the hanging issue.