Help... 2012 EC 300 jetting settings...


New member
Hi all,

Please help...

We are riding in the Troodos Mountains of Cyprus between 600m - 1,800m, with temps at 25c - 35c. ( )

The 2012 EC 300 is running rich at standard settings (175, 42PJ, N1EF Needle at #3, 1 turn out). So tried yesterday 165, 42PJ, N1EF at #2, 2 turns out (as per manual setting chart).

Still not great. Tried 2.5 turns out, which improved lower down response... but still not as sweet as our 2010 EC 300 Six Days.

Help : What needle do I need to lean off from the standard N1EF needle.

All advice would be greatly appreciated...

Many thanks,

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You are very close to me in temps and altitude.
My 2011 EC300 is jetted with:
172 main
N3CH needle #2
38 pilot.
But I stay at and above 1500M, you may feel better at 40 pilot, #3 clip and even perhaps even a 175 main if you are pushing hard at the lower end of the altitude range you listed.
In any case: toss that worthless N1EF needle. If needle availability is an issue, grab which ever stock 250 KTM, Kawi, Suzuki, or Yamaha needle you can find and after a couple of quick experimentation swaps of mains from 172 -178 you'll be close enough to be much happier than you are now...
Alternatively you could try a leaner diameter needle as well if you find the H a bit burbly. Others have had success with their 2012's using the N3CJ paired up with a 42 pilot.

You can also order optional half clip richer needle N3Ex to really fine tune it in. One Australian dealer is jetting their 2012 models with 40 N3EH#3 178 for sea level here.

Suzuki needles NEDx and NECx also work well for a very clean and linear response but I personally find them a bit unexciting for my riding style. A quick search in the 2T jetting section will have you well and truly informed. Then you always have the JD jetting route as well which many have had success with too.
Where to order N3CH jet needles online in the UK?

Thanks guys,

Really appreciate the input.

Now am I being stupid... I can't find a N3CH needle to buy online in the UK anywhere? Including Ebay...

Who makes them?

Where can I order from?

N3CH Part numbers
Yamaha: 4SR-14916-CH-00 NEEDLE,(N3CH)
KTM: 54731034000

Available through either coloured dealers.
Not a jetting issue... sticky power valve

Thanks all.

After trying numerous permutations and combinations (38, 40, N3CH, N1EG, 165, 168, 170, etc etc) it turns out that the problem was due to a sticky power valve!!!

Thanks though... I now know nearly everything there is to know about jetting.

Best Richard (
Its easy to check. If its the powervalve its more likely to be an intermittant issue. Jetting should pretty much run poorly any time you run in certain conditions.

To check the action of the powervalve remove the pipe, the RHS pv cover, put pipe back on and run the bike on the stand. You will be able to see the powervalve move with the revs. You can also disconnect the actuator arm and check that the plate rotates freely. Check the freeplay while you're in there. Whatever you do though, don't roll it around with the arm attached, or pull up on the arm. You can dislodge a ball in the governor.

the powervalve works good, but stil can`t find the correct settings
Me 300 2012 (MJ 175 pilot 40 N1EF Needle 2 11/4 turn from fully closed at 0-700M max 25c - 35c)
so far i thray evry option with me sper kit

Any suggestions would be welcome

i'm really impressed with your jetting knowledge Jak:)

Thanks Brad.

I'm definitely no expert in the matter though. I just found myself with a bike that wasn't running as well as it could be and was using more fuel than I deemed acceptable. From there I spent the time reading what I could to get an understanding of how everything worked, and then the time testing different settings to experience how they all work. I have a lot of notes on the topic and have also shared a lot of what worked and didn't work for me. If you asked what would work in a different bike I'd be back at square one. You should probably thank Gas Gas for making the carb so accessable :D

I perform your recommended setting, the bike is respond very good, but i think that the engine running too hot
Sea level up to 600m (2000 fi )temp 20c-30c

What makes you think its running hot? Discolouring the pipe? Blowing coolant? Pinging? Running weak under load? How does the plug look?

What throttle openings do you think its still lean? Try moving the needle one clip richer (lower on the needle) and then evaluating. If it feels a bit rich consider the N3EJ which is a half clip variation. This is assuming it feels lean between 1/4 and 3/4 throttle.
Can you smell coolant? Can you provide any more info? The spark plug should really tell you a bit of info, as will how the engine feels and responds. Try running it richer and if its an improvement you know you've gone the right way.

The needle settings I suggested will give much improved fuel economy over stock. Its all relative though so making it richer will use more fuel. Don't jet for fuel usage though. Jet for engine response and power.