How to Make/Repair Cable

tried it

I made a cable end by making a wooden mold W/ saw and drillbit frayed the end and used roofing lead that I had Then filed it down
So far so good
I saw the wooden mold setup on youtube or someplace
Would the motion pro cable help it's about one inch longer then stock? I've had good results with them.
Fraying the ends helps to anchor the cable; in the old days we would buy the end piece and solder it to the cable. The important thing was to use ACID core solder instead of resin core solder. Much better adhesion to the cable.
Fraying the ends helps to anchor the cable; in the old days we would buy the end piece and solder it to the cable. The important thing was to use ACID core solder instead of resin core solder. Much better adhesion to the cable.

Thanks for the tip!
Maybe I'm wrong

Hi Folks,
maybe I'm wrong . do not hesitate to correct me in this case.
I can't really understand all this fuss.
did you ever consider buying a stainless steel bicycle gear cable ? they are longer and they are cheaper.
If the welded nipple is slightly too big for the slide just sand it a little. It takes seconds.
On the other side you need a screw nipple.

I know what you are going to say....will it get loose ?
No it will not. I have been making throttle cables this way for 25 years.
and for the outer I use a gear outer again from a bicycle ( you can get them coloured too).
There was an old school shop that used to shorten or make longer cables cheap. He used acid core solder, a propane torch and that was about it. He showed me how he did when he was closing up 15 years ago. I have made some since then and they all held up fine. Now days I just buy a cable but it's a good skill to have for emergencies.
There was an old school shop that used to shorten or make longer cables cheap. He used acid core solder, a propane torch and that was about it. He showed me how he did when he was closing up 15 years ago. I have made some since then and they all held up fine. Now days I just buy a cable but it's a good skill to have for emergencies.

You never know when you can have an emergency. Its good to have that skillset.
We make cables here. I get all the supplies from Motion Pro. We use silver solder to assemble them. You are definitely better off buying a cable if possible. I can't make a cable for what you can buy them for but it does come in handy once in awhile for special applications.
I agree it is easy to build your own throttle cables, but the Motion Pro T3 cable for KTM 2 strokes is several inches longer, has two threaded ends. It really works well and totally avoids the excitement and drama when a branch snags your throttle cable.

Be aware the carb threaded end can try to occupy the same space as some large tanks. See the other threads on this topic.