

New member
Trying to chase down a problem or problems giving me horrible fuel economy, poor idle and hesitance of the bottom.
I've gone down to a 35 pj trying to chase the fuel and hesitance but no real improvement.
I also get the feeling that the hesitance is partly if not totally due to the idle as it simple won't or will just barley :confused:, so it has to get to a normal idle level of revs then go from there.

Reeds are decent.
Gnarly pipe,power core muff.
175 main.
CEK needle middle clip.
35 PJ
20-40 Celsius.



I had the same problem tracked it down to fine dust particles in tank, in line fuel filter didn't pick up the particles, thus particles accumulating in carby bowl / stopping fuel needle from sealing-thus fuel poring out via overflow line. Also the PWK carby can such up dust/mud via vent lines. Also check your float level. Do you have any fuel overflow venting out
I also live in Newcastle, I have a 07 250 ec my carby setting are as follow I can get about 90-100 klm out of a tank and I ride Nerong/Walleroo .
Needle - CEK, 3rd clip

Bike has never fouled a plug, when warm starts first time ever time

I made up an extended PC cover (25mm Aluminium insert) and the bike now has a lot more torque, less hard reving.
My mate had a 04 300ec had roughly the same carby settings but got better KLM's than I did out of a tank.

The pilot jet you are running is too lean for the needle that you have chosen. Where are your idle screw and mixture screw set at?

Cleaning the carb is a good start...

I would suggest that you switch to 45 pilot and back out the idle screw (it is probably screwed all the way in). Then reset the idle mixture.

It would be helpful to get Noel's idle mixture and idle speed settings as a starting point for you. How many turns "out" for these...


I had the same problem tracked it down to fine dust particles in tank, in line fuel filter didn't pick up the particles, thus particles accumulating in carby bowl / stopping fuel needle from sealing-thus fuel poring out via overflow line. Also the PWK carby can such up dust/mud via vent lines. Also check your float level. Do you have any fuel overflow venting out
I also live in Newcastle, I have a 07 250 ec my carby setting are as follow I can get about 90-100 klm out of a tank and I ride Nerong/Walleroo .
Needle - CEK, 3rd clip

Bike has never fouled a plug, when warm starts first time ever time

I made up an extended PC cover (25mm Aluminium insert) and the bike now has a lot more torque, less hard reving.
My mate had a 04 300ec had roughly the same carby settings but got better KLM's than I did out of a tank.

No overflow.
Going up to 45 pj is only going to make the economy worse isn't it?
I'll try it and see tho.

It runs like the choke is on just before 1/8 throttle and when exiting single stuff into the open it bogs, clears it's throat then goes along nicely. Blows smoke during this throat clearing also.

I've got a choke on it's way as my current one doesn't stay on, will see.
When I first saw your settings I immediately thought your were too lean. That will lead to the bog when cracking the throttle open. Going richer does sound counterintuitive as far as fuel economy, but that could be the float level is off. You might not see fuel leaking out when it sits but it may be leaking as you ride.
When I first saw your settings I immediately thought your were too lean. That will lead to the bog when cracking the throttle open. Going richer does sound counterintuitive as far as fuel economy, but that could be the float level is off. You might not see fuel leaking out when it sits but it may be leaking as you ride.

Well went to 178, 42 today with no difference of the bottom but noticed a loss up top, also fouled 2 plugs in some very slow stuff.

Will try moving the float level a bit and see, if its not that or the defective choke causing it I'll be well confused.
Installed new choke today along with adjusting float.

Seems slightly better off the bottom but crackly/missing up top once throttle is 3/4 open.
Also it starts happily cold W/O choke so there must be excess fuel getting in.
Still won't idle, doesn't even notice the idle screw going in or out.
Air screw it does notice tho.

I'll try a larger main and see how that goes.