IMS will make a bigger tank for 2007 up 2 strokes


New member
Hi there, this bigger tank for 2007 and up 2 strokes thing spun off from a suspension question, I thought it best to move it here as its now got to be a serious possibility with IMS stepping up if their basic conditions are met.
As he points out - GasGas contacted IMS regarding manufacture of the pre 07 tanks, anyone here have contacts at GasGas (surely there are- shows what a noob I am here) that can find out the info IMS require? especially the question if 2009-10 tank fitment will be the same as 2007/8 , and if GasGas will participate as they did before? Dealers ?
Like I said before- I will commit to a tank, will talk to the local dealer and also other GasGas owners. Anyone else want a bigger tank for your 2007 up 2 strokes?

email from Scott at IMS below:

Hello Jerry, thanks for your inquiry about the fuel tank availability regarding the 07-08 Gas Gas Two-Stroke motorcycles. I would like to discuss some of the variables that we consider in determining the tanks in which we manufacture. First of all, we do like to target a potential for sales when deciding to invest in the tooling, and therefore we consider a couple of variables. Since you have an affiliation with the Gas Gas club, I am hoping that you might be able to provide some critical information. In this case the information we would need would be the following:
1. How many years does this current model two stroke utilize the same tank?
2. Does the existing stock fuel tanks fit multiple models of two strokes such as 125, 250, ???
3. Will this model of two stroke remain unchanged, allowing the fuel tank to be still usable for 09-10 year models?
4. Does Gas Gas intend on continuing the sale of two stroke models for 09-10 years?

We have worked with Gas Gas in the past to manufacture a fuel tank for their motorcycles as they were very interested in assisting their dealer network and racers to have the needed equipment to be competitive as well as providing maximum fueling capabilities for their trail riding customer base. When we conducted this project, they contacted us directly to seek the manufacturing of a fuel system and they assisted us with the provision of motorcycles needed to make a pattern and were involved with the promotion of notifying the dealer network of the tanks availability. We have not been contacted by them since our last project which was several years ago.

5) Have you contacted anyone associated with Gas Gas motorcycles and talked with them about this project?
6) Do you or the club have an affiliation with any person associated with Gas Gas?

In any case, we usually need to target projected sales in the area of about 150 tanks to break even on the manufacturing of our mold costs. The cost of the mold varies depending on how intricate the design and how many pieces the actual mold consists of. I have done projects in the past where we have worked with customers to manufacture a model of tank for a specific application, where we have committed to making a mold based on their commitment being less than what we need to break even. In these cases, we have good credible information from the O.E.M. manufacture that the model will continue and our tank will fit for a couple more years of production after the tank has been made. This gives us peace of mind in knowing that we should be able to cover costs and still help the enthusiast who own the motorcycles in the interim period.

It is my hope that either you or someone at your club will be able to attain the needed information so that we might be of help in assisting you with this project. In either case, we would want a commitment from the club or Gas Gas Motorcycles to purchase on of the following quantities. I have broken down (3) options to help you with;

Option number (1) has a minimum quantity of 40 tanks and the pricing is retail. Although we strongly support off road racing and usually find a program to assist riders to lesson the cost, this retail pricing would be in effect for the first (40) tank order, any rider discount that applied due to contract would not be in effect for this initial purchase.

Option number (2) allows for a larger quantity purchase and could be done by contacting any and all Gas Gas dealers to make a commitment of purchasing at least one tank to carry in their dealership. This pricing is at our current dealership pricing and it would be available to all dealers on any quantity after this initial purchase. This is a great way to get the dealers behind the riders that they are supporting and should be done fairly easy with the assistance of Gas Gas.

Option number (3) is set up for a distribution pricing and is the most cost effective in terms of individual tank pricing and resale profit. This purchase could be done by the club and then resold to riders at retail and this would virtually pay for itself, or this pricing could be utilized for Gas Gas to purchase and then sell to its dealer network as a way to assist its racing and recreational efforts.

Minimum 40 fuel tanks. $274.95 Retail pricing
65 tanks. $199.95 Dealer Pricing
100 tanks or more $145.00 Distributor Pricing

I hope that this gives you the needed information that you are seeking as well as options to assist you to make your decisions. We hope that we can be of assistance and appreciate your willingness to liaison between all Gas Gas owners and IMS. Thank You Jerry,

Respectfully, Scott

I want one too!

I wonder if GoFasters would be willing to get involved in this. Steve/Mark???
I want one too!

I wonder if GoFasters would be willing to get involved in this. Steve/Mark???

It would be great if GasGas dealers would support this. Would a dealer for example, be interested in taking advance orders for tanks and IMS basic conditions could be easily met and would begin production. GasGas riders worldwide would be interested I´m sure.
We Here At Dirt World Cycles Would Sell Atleast A Min. Of 5 Tanks Easy, Maybe More. We Need These Tanks!!!!! Older Ones Fit, But Not That Good.
GoFasters - can you help us?

I wonder if GoFasters would be willing to get involved in this. Steve/Mark???

I moved this thread temporarily to this General Announcements section. It is important to get oversized tanks available for the '07+ two stroke bikes.

Can GoFasters and IMS work together on this endeavor?
I moved this thread temporarily to this General Announcements section. It is important to get oversized tanks available for the '07+ two stroke bikes.

Can GoFasters and IMS work together on this endeavor?

I agree it would be by far the best if a good GasGas dealer would get involved, everyone would then buy the tanks from them, plus, I´m sure the other accessories and spares etc for their bike. Advance orders could also be taken by the dealer to get the project up and running. What do you think GoFasters ? Anyone else ?
IMS are raring to go for just a 40 tank minimum order !

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Im in for a bigger 07 tank.

Unfortunately it doesnt seem that anything will happen unless a GasGas dealer will get involved, at least to take advance orders - and payments - for a 40 tank minimum that IMS will need to start production. This seems to be a generous offer from IMS, I dont see how anyone can lose out here. The advance orders can be with payment, so the dealer cant lose. Seems plenty of people want/need a bigger tank.
Oh well, I thought there were a few decent GasGas dealers active on this forum, if there are, they dont want to get involved in this discussion somehow, I cant see why not. Maybe they know something we dont? Looks like I will have to lug around the 5 litres of gas in a rucksack on long trips if I buy the EC300 like I am thinking. Or, maybe I will just keep the Husky 450 and the 14.5 litre IMS.
i would figure that since gofasters (seems to be) the largest gg parts dealer in the us, theyd just straight up order the 100 tanks and sell them online at retail, or a slight discount, or even to other distributors in the us. im in for one, but thats all i can afford. my local dealer hasnt really ayed or nayed id imagine hed only want 5 or less, theres only 2 gg dealers in montana (that ive found) so obviously there isnt going to be that many gg. yet :) im going to call the other one too, see if theyre interested.
It would be a big risk fo GoFasters to buy 100 tanks.
If they don't fit right-like I've seen- they would be stuck with them.
Clarke has a big tank for the 4 stroke Gas Gas'.
Maybe they will do a 2 stroke tank, if we ask them.

I did send send an email to Clarke asking if they would make a tank for 2007and up two strokes - the answer was a flat no.
IMS on the other hand will do it, if there is a minimum of 40 tanks. Thats not bad!
Of course they would have to fit right.

Enough of this dealers getting involved stuff. GG USA should be getting involved if you ask me. Look at American Beta. They had a larger IMS tank built specially for their enduro bikes BEFORE they even started releasing them this year. They sell much less bikes than Gas Gas. They were pro-active. CLEARLY there is a want and need for this option and it's not just in the US. Many in other countries are looking for a bigger tank option as well.

Dale M. the US Gas Gas importer along with Gas Gas Spain should get together and get this done IMO.

It is interesting how the guys from Go Fasters have been so silent on this issue and this thread has been going for quite awhile. Hopefully they are up to something LOL.

i can see go fosters being wary of bad tanks, but business is bussiness, if A pays B for product C, and B delivers product D, A owes B nothing, and if paid for already B etiher owes a correction, or a refund to A. i cant imagine any bussiness not trying to correct that kind of mistake, especially if it affects a whole shipment.
i guess this is also at question then, how are measurements taken? i can see ill fitment if taken from a tank without a bike, but if design was made with a complete bike i can see no room for error.