It's Almosta Time again!!


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Alright Almosta Fans, time for our 13th Annual event is rolling this way, Trailboss Jake Davis and his faithful assistant A.J. (Davis) have been out scouting the woods/trails and have good course laid out. Look forward to some very interesting (but fun) wrinkles for this years event, sounds like the fast guys loop will get a few changes but the Enduro-X track will still be there this year.
Mary Snook (The Almosta Lady) has been rounding up new sponsors & we already have past sponsors re-signing, A HUGE THANK YOU to O'Reilly's Auto Parts as they are renewing their 'A' class level of sponsorship for the 2014 event. Bikemaster is on back on board as well as the good folks at StreetFx. PowerMadd is signed up as a first time sponsor for this year. BikeMaster, Pig Trail Harley-Davidson, Precision Irrigation, BulletProof Designs, Oury Grips, EBC Brakes,EVS Sports, Razorback Riders M/C Club, & Arvest Bank are back again as well. We have other that are still in the process of gathering items for the gift bags as well as more auction items to go along with the selection of autographed jerseys among other things.
Danny Ellis from the AXC series is bringing his scoring equipment and is going to work the scoring table for us PLUS he is donating transponders to the riders that don't already have them! This will allow us to 'computer' score the race for the first time ever! Please support these companies & folks when you can-they support us!
On another note of good news-KNWA, the area NBC affiliate does a series called "KNWA Doing Good" and they have invited the Almosta Race & RiderDown to be the feature for the month of December. They are going to do a segment on RiderDown & the Almosta Race that will air on the "KNWA Doing Good" portion of the 10pm news on December 2nd, 2013 & then a follow up segment with a live interview on the 'KNWA Morning Show' at 5:45AM on December 3rd, 2013. This will help us spread the word about RiderDown Foundation & OUR charity event to help them. We at the Almosta Race are very excited to have this chance to spread the news about our event & charity. Thanks to KNWA for this opportunity. They will also link us on their "Doing Good' page to help others get involved in our efforts. Please tune in if you are able or see if you watch the web version if not. You can see some of the other segments that have been featured here- we will be in good company!
Remember-we have another week day event for this one, so make sure you plan in advance so you can join us to ride the New Year in for Rider RiderDown Foundation !!
You can also keep up with news & announcements on our FaceBook page at or the website at
This year's shirts are being printed in the morning, the shirts will be slightly different than this picture but you'll get the idea!


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Danny Ellis is one of my dearest friends. I need to get back up there to see him. Maybe even go to this event, I usually ride with Butler, Yother, and Cook at Ross with ADR on New Years Day.
Danny Ellis is one of my dearest friends. I need to get back up there to see him. Maybe even go to this event, I usually ride with Butler, Yother, and Cook at Ross with ADR on New Years Day.

Just slip on up this way & bring the Yother/Cook/Butler bunch with you....Lots of room here & we'd love to have you
Another cool item has come in for the Almosta Auction?.AXC Racing series has donated a full year of entry fees for the upcoming 2014 season-12 races & all you have to do is show up, check in and go racing with AXC!! We think a very cool item?.as if he hadn't done enough already a HUGE Thank You goes out to Danny Ellis and the whole AXC Racing crew. Check them out at
My GasGas on TV

We made it to the big time! The Almosta Race was selected to be part of the local TV station's "Doing Good" and we made it to TV so here is a link to the story.- My '10 Gasser is in the background.......:)
The main story was taped & then aired Dec 2, during the 'Doing Good' segment of the 10pm news below the main video you'll see a thumbnail- you can click on it to see the live segment from the Dec 3rd morning show. Jake Davis was on live and did a very good job...Off-road exposure...
9 days??Santa dropped a huge load of goodies for the Almosta Race auction from the good folks at the Coleman Company, enough stuff to leave here and go camping with out making another stop?Thanks to Coleman for their generous donation!!
Not sure if any of my GG family made it the Almosta Race as I was hooked up tight all day so I'm going to post all my post race updates here, Sorry but we're a bit proud of our little race and what it is doing. We'd love to have any of you guys up (or down) for next years event. Check us out at or better news & pictures on FB at Enjoy!

WHEW! Another Almosta Race in the books, a wonderful day at Wildcat Ranch..130 riders, no injuries, good weather and heck of a lot of really great people. 20 gallons of chili, 5# shredded cheese and a whole lot of Fritos & crackers are gone. Some first timers and some veterans as well. Parker Nolen & Chris Underwood won the race, Kenneth Winn got Iron Man, Evan Kennedy got Hard Luck, Todd York did NOT crash, 2 holeshot trophies went to S Loftin for the A side & L Thomas on the B side. Our first back to back simultaneous 2 direction start was a huge success. Final border war count was KS-1, MO-3, OK-6, & AR-10. Rider Down Foundation was a winner as well but still working on totals. Thanks to everybody involved from the sponsors, the sweep crew, the gate crew, the scoring crew, the EMTs, the first responders that gave their time, and all you wonderful generous Almosta racers. Thank you all so much for supporting this event and the people that realize the good from it. THANKS AGAIN !! Woot woot!! BRAAAP!

DRUUUMMMM ROOOOOLLLLLL!!!! Still a little bit of a moving target but as of now... $7321 in hand, $200 in the mail, a little more on the hoodies that we'll order next Friday, that puts us at $7521 + new hoody/shirt sales for RiderDown Foundation. AWESOME DAY by AWESOME PEOPLE !!! Thank you to everyone, I have heard so many stories of the giving that went on at the gate, one guy paid $50 to get in, another car had a trunk load of clothes, some brought cases of food, one racer paid $50 to race instead of the regular $20 race fee and there are still stories coming in of the generosity of our Almosta Race Family. All of our first time workers have signed up for next year because they were all so impressed. Every time they see a dirt bike loaded in a truck or on a trailer they'll think of the Almosta Race! Also BREAKING NEWS- One of our spectators has contacted Mary privately and there may be more to come from this year's race.....Stay tuned!!!!

I hauled the gate proceeds to The Manna Center yesterday morning......(drum roll) YOU GUYS & GALS provided 537# of food, 10 large bags of clothing & $608 cash to The Manna Center of Siloam Springs. They were speechless for a moment and then we got that stuff unloaded. I took the tour, all volunteers (one lady was 85, another is 95 (she had the day off)), very nice and down to earth group. It is a very clean well organized system, they are for sure doing some good in the community. Pat yourself on the back Almosta Riders and supporters!! Great job!

A note on Almosta shirts, due to demand we ran short and had we also several requests for hoodies. Our shirt is graciously allowing us to reorder. If you would like an Almosta Hoodie or shirt- T-shirts are $10ea & Hoodies are $25 ea (both + postage if needed) 2X & 3x may be a couple dollars more. Post here or call 479-787-7693 to place your order. Thanks! As always all proceeds go to Rider Down Foundation.
HEADS UP- We caught a break (sort of) Good news is that our shirt guy got a 7,000 shirt order so he's gonna hold our screen until next week So you have another week to order BUT the Bad news is he won't print any until next week. Good news is they CAN do youth shirts, bad news is they CAN'T do youth hoodies because the pocket is in the way


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