Jake - Wildwood Extreme?

Dude...seriously...anyone who'd criticize your riding in those conditions would deservedly get a solid thump to the head with something hard in my opinion :D

I've only had a chance to watch the first video - wouldn't have made it through the opening section :o:o The course designer should have his/her/their head examined...what's with all the damn rocks...LOL.

Could tell you were geared too high during that first hill climb, good on you for pushing through and making it up. The 2nd hill climb where you had her singing the whole way up was sweet.

Looking forward to watching the other two when I need a break from this nut house (ie work).

Great captures wence :cool: :cool:
Yeh, I didn't think it would be as steep or as rocky so I mistakenly thought the higher gearing would be ok:eek:
The course just gave you no let up at all. I went out real slow to conserve energy but unfortunately that plan did not work???
To top it off I did not get footage of the worse part( hardest part), which was the beta rock garden at the end.
It consisted of about 5 or 6 hundred metres of head size to garbage bin size rocks in a river bed which got progressively bigger and steeper all the way to the end.
Cheers Mark