Jetting changes after RB Head Mod?


New member
I've just completed both a top-end job and an RB head mod last week.

I asked Ron if I should expect the possibility of leaner jetting for my 05DE250. He said it's a possibility.

What are others' experience with post head-mod jetting changes?
rick, went from a 172 to a 168 and I beleive I might try a little leaner. The plug is a little black still. Running a ltr needle 2nd notch from the top and a 40 pilot. I just ordered a # 7 slide as there is a # 5 in there now.Going to the bradshaws on thursday for some mean mule trails if your up.
I think I could probably go down to a 162/40 from my 165/40 up in Flagstaff. When we climb up to 9k feet and/or the filter begins to get clogged with silt, it starts to burble rich on top.

As for those Bradshaw trails, I try to keep me and my bike from getting all beat up, you savage !!!