Jetting issues resolved!!!!! EC 300


New member
2015 EC 300 Racing
175 MJ
42 Pilot
Hi all, I've spent days reading on here and messing with jets to try to get my bike running properly, but there are no definitive answers, this needle, that jet, float height, bad idle etc.
Well something that may be overlooked, I did..!!

My bike has the cable operated choke, its shit!
I noticed it wasn't seating fully, so put a pipe on the inlet and blew to see if it sealed, it didn't.

Long story short, disconnected choke, bike runs best I've ever had it!!
Now I get to fine tune jetting a bit, but it ticks over with screw quite far out, pulls instantly and cleanly everywhere, still an animal on the top end but heaps more torque low down than before..

Hope this helps someone
Great, sounds like you're well on the way to sorting out your carb. :)

Maybe you already can replace your cable operated choke with a simple plunger like this...


All the best, Dave.
A mate did the same on his 15ish 300. Shame as since putting the 17 carb on mine I have this bare cable by the clutch I can pull with gloved hands and it's fabulous for a simple man like me I think I'm all posh like.

Have considered getting a lever as well but I'd be so far above my station I'd probably start abusing the staff.

I don't think I would like to be that person.