Jetting Question.


New member
I have a '05 250 DE. I have a trip coming up and will not have much of a chance to ride the bike prior. The bike currently has:

180 Main
40 Pilot
NIEF Needle #2 down from the top
#7 slide

I run pump fuel with Klotz R50 @ 40:1, and live in Indiana which is about 600 feet above sea level. My question is will this jetting be relatively close for my conditions.
Where are you going? Same elevation? Does it run good now? I don't run the N1E series needles, prefering the LTR single taper needles since my '00. Sounds close though, maybe a size rich on the main for that needle.

If you go with the LTR try:

182 main
45-48 pilot
LTR -0(newest) #3
AS 1.75 out
#7 slide

I'm at similar elevation and mine rips.