Jetting - Riddle me this!

My bike is a FREAK!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I've never seen a bike thats so finicky! Every clip position (even halves) make huge differences. In the current conditions just about everything I have is even borderline rich on the top clip. After too many hours and too many runs down the street I have come to realise the NEDx even in top clip has a rich burble coming onto a taper that I can't get rid of. The N3Ex runs very nicely on the top clip. Dropping it half and I get an annoying rich burble right in the mid range.

I also think the J diameter is a bit too lean. It just lacks the balls right off the bottom. I can richen it up with the AS but then the idle and just off suffers. The 38 and the W diameter worked quite well which is where I might head and then call it dialled! UNTIL THE SEASONS CHANGE AGAIN!

Current conditions
Temperature 34.2?C
Feels Like 43.2?C
Relative Humidity 61%
Pressure 1006.0hPa
I reckon you should not buy a 12 and wait for the efi or DI .
You would have so much time on your hands then:D.
I may have to fly you down here to jet my new one?
Cheers Mark
Haha! Would love to head down your way for a ride Mark! Might need to test your new 2012 :D

You realise jetting is just my excuse for me to spending a day riding around and tinkering during the week when no one else is up for a ride! When the weekend comes around its all riding and no jetting.

We've got a nice DSMRA christmas ride coming up this weekend so I'm looking to get the bike just right for that. Then I might start sharing her around and seeing if I can line up any potential buyers for Feb when my birthday and the 2012s arrive together! Woot! Will have the cam rolling so should get some good footage to edit and post up in the vid section.

I guess its not really surpising that the N3Ex needle is running in the same clip it ran in at the same time last year. It just plays on my mind that my jetting specs are so much leaner than most others.