Just got off the phone with jd jetting. Guess what


New member
I called jd and talked to James. He said the suggested settings of 180m 40p that they recommend for the asm2 carb are way off. He said to run a 170m 38-42 p. that seems a lot smaller on the main to me. Maybe that will help with some of the issues some claim to have with the jd red needle..... Just food for thought. I'll be trying this combo this weekend, I'll let you all know what I find.
Did he mention if those settings were more for the AS1 (2006?), which I think is what I have. I have installed the kit, and I am still fighting for an idle with the 40 (slide wound right up), moving to a 38 soon... :confused:
An '06 250 with AS1 should like a richer pilot not leaner, assuming you have a #7 slide. Are you running the Blue needle? 42 - 48(cold, and/or notched slide) pilot with Blue #3 and 180 main should make you very happy.
An '06 250 with AS1 should like a richer pilot not leaner, assuming you have a #7 slide. Are you running the Blue needle? 42 - 48(cold, and/or notched slide) pilot with Blue #3 and 180 main should make you very happy.

I am at 180/40, slide is stock. It runs like a champ everywhere, just the idle setup. I should mention that I now have an S3 300 cylinder on it...
I called jd and talked to James. He said the suggested settings of 180m 40p that they recommend for the asm2 carb are way off. He said to run a 170m 38-42 p. that seems a lot smaller on the main to me. Maybe that will help with some of the issues some claim to have with the jd red needle..... Just food for thought. I'll be trying this combo this weekend, I'll let you all know what I find.

I would not not run a 170 main. It'll be far too lean with that needle.

The confusion that arises here is that the bikes have shipped with AS2 carbs both in 36mm and 38mm. With the 36mm a 38/40 pilot and 168-172 main hits the spot. On a 38mm carb a 40/42 pilot and 175-180 main is where you want to be.

You don't have to believe me, but the list of needles and jets I have put through a 38mm AS2 is extensive. Currently I'm using an N3CW#3 with a 175 main at 350M-1000M, 25C-35C, 60%-100% humidity, and feel I'm right on the edge re the main. I have ran a 170 main with an NEDW needle in the past (which supplys a LOT more fuel towards wot than a JD needle) and wouldn't have considered going any leaner. Guess I'm just saying if you're going to slam a 170 in it as per the phone discussion just take it easy and be careful.
I certainly don't want to ruffle any feathers. I'm just repeating what Jd said. I'm sure you have much more experience with these bikes, but James or whatever seemed pretty sure. I'll leave the 180 40 jets in there for now and see how it runs. Thanks a bunch though, you have been a lot of help.
I certainly don't want to ruffle any feathers. I'm just repeating what Jd said. I'm sure you have much more experience with these bikes, but James or whatever seemed pretty sure. I'll leave the 180 40 jets in there for now and see how it runs. Thanks a bunch though, you have been a lot of help.

Sorry if I came across a bit rude or abrupt. I'd just hate to see you jump in a race with a 170 main and have it nip up on you. While JD may have sounded pretty sure I'm not so sure he'd be up for replacing your top end in the event of a failure.

By all means have a go at tapering your main down to a size that you're happy with. Jumping from a 180 to a 170 is asking for trouble though. Again just my opinion.

Today with things heating up I switched out my 40 N3CW#3 175 to 40 N3CJ#3 175. The bike still has enough torque to pull 2nd gear up a decent technical hill in 2nd gear off the bottom end, but has picked up some snap where it was feeling a bit wet. I'm only at 1 turn out on the AS. Runs like a champ!
I rode the bike a little in the field. I want happy with the jd red in the 4th position so I changed it first. Now it's in the 3rd and it seems more responsive in mid throttle openings. I noticed if I would short shift the bike and bog it down a little, that it would act funny at wot when I tried to accelerate from down low. It seemed to act a little like an old automatic car that slips a little in between gears, it would pull ok the stumble a little, then clean out and rip. so I started messing with the air screw.

It was about 2 turns out. So I started turning it in 1/8th turn at a time. It kept getting better until I ended up happy with 1 1/8th turns. The bike seemed much better from idle to mid throttle.

I started doing 3rd gear pulls and I'm very happy with it right now. The bike would pull the front tire but not excessively. I happened to look down and noticed I was in rain mode so I flipped the switch and repeated some field blasts.

WOW, what a difference that makes. It might have something to do with the head mod, but it seems to make a more of an impact now. This thing will scoot. I did notice that the gears seem really close together. 2-3 is particularly close. I seemed to want to rev it out further but there wasn't anything left. I haven't had a 6 speed bike before so I guess I'll just have to adapt a little. I'm going to put a few hours in tomorrow on the trails, I'll get a ride report in shortly after. Expect a lot of details.... I like to analyze.