Kick starter assembly/pinions


Super Moderator
Hello all,

I tried searching but didn't turn up the thread I was looking for.

I'm sourcing all the parts for my freshenup and have noticed sometimes (maybe once every 6 strokes through the kicker) it feels like I get a poor engagement on the gears and it slips through a bit. I'm pretty certain this has been identified in the past as happening when the spring loses tension or from slapping away at the kicker. I did have issues while under warranty which had them replace the whole shaft and then I had to return it to have the spring tensioned correctly.

Just curious which gear it is that usually sustains the damage and part number. Or both? Also would you replace the spring while the engine is torn down?
I don't know the part no's but it's the two serated type gearwheels that damage when they don't engage properly cause the spring gets/is slack.If replacing gears do the spring too.I gave mine an extra tweek to ensure plenty of tension.
You'll see how it works when you pull it apart.Just keep off the brown bear so the mind is sharp.
Ah the brown bear is bad! I will save him for after the job. I'll inspect the gears before ordering replacements. Will put a new spring in regardless.

Big thanks!