Lasik-I had it done.


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I finally bit the bullet and had LASIK surgery done. I've worn glasses since I was 16 years old.

Had it done July 23rd around 1:30pm, drove in for the follow up exam the next morning at 8:30am. 20/20 vision at that time.

The Dr. I went to uses the wave front lazer.
Each eye took 15 seconds for the procedure to be done.
I had absolutely no pain at all! I figured when I blinked I would feel some sort of irritation, but there was none.

I do have to use some lubricating eye drops every hour or so. One steroid drop four times a day.

My up close vision is super sharp, the distance is slightly off ( highway signs). They say it will improve in a couple weeks, I can see an improvement pretty much every day.

I have not ridden yet. Having to ride without glasses will be realy nice.

If anyone is on the fence about having Lasik, DO IT!!
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How old are you? In the past couple of years, my near vision has begun to go away (aging...i'm 48). I'm still 20/15, but can't see up close as well.


I'm 44.
With glasses, my near vision sucked.
I could not see well enough to do stuff like soldering wires etc.
Now I have no trouble at all.
How old are you? In the past couple of years, my near vision has begun to go away (aging...i'm 48). I'm still 20/15, but can't see up close as well.



I looked into it ... most docs told me I would need reading glasses. Did not follow through as it doesn't seem to make sense as I would still need to carry around reading glasses. Except instead of keeping them out of the way on face Like I do now ... I'd have to haul them around in a pocket. I'm going to pick up some contact lenses and give that a try ... its a good dry run for lasik as with lasik I will need reading glasses.
How is your night vision? Any "starring effects" from street lights? I've thought about having it done but my vision isn't critically bad. I can still pass my driver's license test w/o glasses but I wear tri- focals in an attempt to have a lens for a variety of distances. My wife and bro- in-law had thier eyes done but they were 20/200 or there about, anything would have been an improvement. Will the newer Lask treatments correct both near and far sighted problems?
Thats great Girard, riding with glasses must really suck. I'm 50 and have had better than 20/20 vision my entire life, but in the last year my close up is getting worse, just like blitz. Primarily in dimmer light like reading a menu in a restaurant. Anything else like riding, driving, distance is still excellent. My wife's vision is worse and she has considered it, but the technology is changing so rapidly she has held off for now.
There is some staring from lights, but it is not annoying. The star effect is roughly double the size of the light source.
The Wave Front Lasik corrects both near and far sighted vision. I had really bad astigmatism and it corrected it. You should see the before and after digital topography map of my eye ball. Totally different.
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Did they give you a jpeg or other cad file format of your eyeball topography? That would be pretty cool to see. I have my retina from my last scan, but no geometry.


I have a follow up exam in 3 weeks, I'll see if I can get a copy.

The "map" looks like the rain fall weather radar you see on the news.
Before it looked like a big blob off to the right, now it has a figure eight shape.
Will the newer Lask treatments correct both near and far sighted problems?
Lasik cannot fix muscle related issues, as experienced by over 40 folks that become far sighted, basically we loose our range of focus.

The staring will go away. But the need for additional light when reading seems to stay.

Lasik is truly life changing, especially if you are an athlete
(swimming and soccer both take on a new level of joy). I wore glasses / contacts from age 9 to 39, with very big near-sighted and astigmatism corrections. I am now 20/20 to 20/25 (slightly far-sighted after correction), my wife and sister-in-law were both corrected to 20/15.