Leaky Gas Cap Revisit


New member
Does the '12 cap fit the '11s and indeed solve the issue?
I went through the Leaky Gas Cap threads (again) and couldn't really find any follow up on that question.

Also, it looks from the '12 fich that the fuel petcock is a different design. Are there $22 worth advantages to it? I.E.:
-Retain more fuel when hitting reserve?
-Filter screen in play when on reserve? (I gather from my reading here that the screen is bypassed when on reserve. Though it doesn't look that way when I look in the tank.)
-I guess I should ask if it will fit an '11...

Thanks in advance for the replies.
leaky gas cap revisited

The only thing that I did was scuff the top of the radiator mating surface. Problem solved. My cap is a 1.8.
My dealer sold me the gas cap gasket from a kx 65 ( I think). It fits tight into the gas cap and it does not shrink. The only thing is the little nipples on the gasket can plug the vent hole so you have to drill a second vent hole. Hasn't leaked any gas for about a year.
Were they stock '12 units or aftermarket? If the latter, who did you get them from?

I believe it was Atlantic Motorsports that had some made up, last time I checked they were waiting on a new batch. I believe they are site sponsors a search should turn them up