Millenium Tech Cylinder Plating Review


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First to say I give them a thumbs Down !!!
Called them a few weeks ago,spoke to someone who said $190 send it
I asked about buying or sending piston ,decided i'd buy my own and send it with cylinder.Sent out on a tuesday =priority shipping.
The following monday got a call saying my piston was damaged in shipping
Asked if i wanted to file a claim Recommended I didnt Said theyd send me a pic of damage -very minor .I asked if they had a pic of the box-(No, but it was bad) I sent the piston in its original box surrounded by paper in the shipping box the cylinder was in. Anyway my piston has a ding in the crown that to me is obvious a drop on metal or something metal dropped on it
Then i called thursday for a progress report Lady told me Tuesday...... had to go through quality control,,Would I like to pay now ?I said call me for payment when its ready for shipping. Tuesday I missed a call -By the time I got to the phone it stopped ringing- from them they left a message from a woman that theyd been trying
repeatedly to reach me for payment please contact asap.I called immediately
A man answered said theyd been trying to reach me since thursday,The day I called them.....$239 plus shipping please. HUH What happened to 190? Oh we had to do extra work to it .No welding just cleanup
I said no one called me about extra work ( Oh I told you that when I quoted you) I said BS you said 190 send it
Anyway got it yesterday. Cylinder Looks great. My piston was an obvious drop, It came back in the original piston box thats intact, no cuts or slices.
Did I mention cylinder looks great???? My opinion is that its a dishonest operation and I would recommend against doing business with them And I'm going to tell everyone I can the same
Tried to Attach the pic they sent ,I couldnt
I have been doing business with them for 15 years. Never a issue. there right down the road as well from me.

Maybe i'm the 1 in 1,000,000 But I doubt it. I didnt even tell all of the story...
You live down the road i live far away .I wish they were just down the road from me.
Too bad Ron does not replate cylinders. I would send it to him in a second. I think he does boring, and sleeving but not replating.
Anyway got it yesterday. Cylinder Looks great. My piston was an obvious drop, It came back in the original piston box thats intact, no cuts or slices.

I used them for my kids bike and supplied my own piston also. Communication and the work quality was excellent. The did the same to me with the price though. I'm thinking supply your own part and they get their lost parts mark-up that way. :(
Is it possible they used a box from another piston when they returned it to you? I work in the shipping industry so I see a lot of damaged freight. When you think you have something packaged safely take the time to put the final package in one more padded box. Our dock workers could care less if it said "fine china" or "explosive". It all gets handled the same way (rough).
No same exact box that I sent . It still has my handwritten label on the box.
Thats what is so ridiculous ,at least cover up the lie. Plus if you could see the ding it goes up from the first ring land to the crown. the ding actually pushes the edge of the crown up. The only way that could happen is metal to metal and like i said no damage to piston box at all........I'm going to be able to file it down its nothing major its just the point .You mess up somebodies stuff you offer to fix or replace it. Never mind not taking the blame .Just too many lies they told me. i just call em as i see em and i dont want anyone else on here ,or anywhere to get what I got.
youll see I've posted everytime I've done good business with someone I'm not
In the habit of disparaging businesses.
So this is just a warning to my fellow riders not a bitch session
Jeez Dude Glad to know you think I'm lying. What I Gain from lying I dont know ??? Cant think of any reason..... If you look at there website it says 189 unless theres cylinder damage = extra machining. so then I guess everyones cylinder needs extra machining including yours .So wheres the 189 come from?
I really don't appreciate you questioning my integrity Esp. when its easier to not say nothing.The idea of this forum is to help each other. Thats why there are product reviews.
No reason to get personal unless its in person

Sorry i misunderstood thought you were sticking up for them
I wonder why theyre charging you 220 too
I had my '01 XC300 cylinder replated at Powerseal USA in Jan for $197.25 including shipping back to me.

Excellent work and done for quoted price on time.
Did you remove all the studs,powervalves and other hardware on the cylinder? I think they charge like $30 if you dont.
so far so good

Just got my bike back from the shop and they used Millenium for the replate. I don't remember how much the replate was but I'm thinking about 200. So far all is well but that's not very far. I'm going to start the break in this weekend.
We use millenium for all of our cyl. replates. Never have had an issue with them. I always strip down the cyl's for them and make sure they are clean and the price is always what they quote. The cyl's usually come back looking better than new on some models.