More left over GasGas parts (2001 XC300)

One shifter pawl. $20. One rear axle with nut and chaln adjusters $20
Box "o right side parts" unassabled, included are kickstart assembly, all shift parts, some new, water pump, power vavle components. $60. Outside cases available, just ask. Can separate parts and prices are negotiable within reason. Does not include shipping. Also have a swingarm with new bearings.
Any other parts I might have just ask. Oh yea, stock reed cage also available.
um, if you still have them, would your clutch components be compatible with my 03 ec250? some of my plates may be warped, or my basket may be damaged.
clutch part

I sod the entire clutch assembly to Erik Kangas, you coule PM him abnd ask him if he has what you need and is will ing to part with it. Erik i9s a good guy and won't be offende if you drop hinm a lin.Sorry I can't help,
alright thanks anyhow. im just trying to find a source for parts for when i get around to taking my clutch apart. turns out i can use honda cr250 plates, so thats a good thing.
you can only use the steels. the frictions are too thick. or you can change the spacer behind the clutch hub to a thinner one and use cr250 frictions.. rocky mountain has cr250 clutches(steel and friction) for like $40....
the steals are all i was worried about. id buy gasgas frictions from gofasters.
thankya much!