Must do for gasgas


I'm not sure if anyone else shares the same opinion as me but my biggest hassle with current 2012 300r is air filter maintenance. Routine maintenance should be simple but mine is not. I'm sick of tearing filters n swearing when removing my filter n unless a Gasgas make a newly designed sub frame to allow easy access like beta and ktm then unfortunately I won't by another Gasgas.
Unfortunately it's such a pain in the ass that I avoid it sometimes.
Is anyone else of the same opinion or are the aluminium subframe a better? I'm only brining this up as it looks like the photos of the 2017 have the same frame..

Josh (Australia)
I haven't seen the 12 plastic subframe, so can't comment on that.. but I have had zero issues with the 13 aluminium one. Haven't torn a single filter other than by wearing them out. Where exactly are you damaging them?

There are 2 little threads that come down which I could see as potentials for causing issues if you jagged up on them. I think you'd have to try to do it though.

On my 2010 model I had issues with the seat base rubbing the top of the filter against the frame and causing issues.

On all models there is potential for both the airboot/sealing surface and the filter cage to have some sharp edges. As part of pre delivery I went through and made sure everything was smooth.
Hi Jakobi, it's mainly when I'm taking the filter out of the air box and then putting it back in. I have zero clearance on either side so the filter rubs on both edges of the box. It als rubs on the lugs that the lid for the box bolts to.
I get you. It is a pain in the ass narrow box. I drop it in sideways, and then turn it to bring it onto the seat. Means that one outside face of the filter does slide along the airbox a bit and inner side runs clear. As above, no issues other than what I'd consider general wear and tear.
I have a 2012 and do what Jakobi does and have not damaged a filter yet.
Maybe try that?
I turn mine sideways when installing and have not had a problem either.
I finally got a chance to go try what people are suggesting for easy air filter changes. There is no way I can go close to turning this filter sideways and slipping it out. Is my setup different to everyone else's. Jakobi, does the aluminium subframe give you more room than the attached photos?? My filter rubs on the back of the air box, even when I turn it sideways.




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It looks as if your fuel tank possible comes back further than mine, but pics can be deceiving. In your second picture, you are rotating the opposite direction. Standing where you are, I would feed the filter in with the cage facing me, the mount away, and then rotate it. It does contact the airbox, but isn't excessive and definitely hasn't torn.

This is an old pic of me airbox when new. When I get some time I can take a comparison pic for you.

Thanks Jakobi,
After looking at your photo and checking other photos on this forum it looks like others have much more room than I do. So I checked the parts diagram on the 2012r and the 2013 I can see that the tank on the 2012 is different to the 2013. Looking at the photo attached, if it is the same as yours then you have way more room. My tank extends to the point so that it is behind the air filter. I have to reach down and place the filter under the lip of the tank.
My easiest fix for this, without purchasing the 13 tank, has been to actually remove the subframe so that I can get the filter out without ripping it as this takes it away from the tank. Seems ridiculous I know but it beats ripping filters. It does make a 5 minute job a 40minute job though..Im glad we worked out the difference as it was driving me nuts as to why no-one else was having issues.
Thanks again




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Yeh mate mine is as you have posted in the last attachment .
Your tank is way further back than mine.
Cheers Mark

Thanks Jakobi,
After looking at your photo and checking other photos on this forum it looks like others have much more room than I do. So I checked the parts diagram on the 2012r and the 2013 I can see that the tank on the 2012 is different to the 2013. Looking at the photo attached, if it is the same as yours then you have way more room. My tank extends to the point so that it is behind the air filter. I have to reach down and place the filter under the lip of the tank.
My easiest fix for this, without purchasing the 13 tank, has been to actually remove the subframe so that I can get the filter out without ripping it as this takes it away from the tank. Seems ridiculous I know but it beats ripping filters. It does make a 5 minute job a 40minute job though..Im glad we worked out the difference as it was driving me nuts as to why no-one else was having issues.
Thanks again


Remember the 12 were supposed to come with the cartridge air filter and it didn't work (almost killed GG) and they had to quickly redesign (and fire the original designers) an air box to take the standard foam air filter. maybe that is why access is so bad
Josh, I have the 12 and have not ripped a filter yet. having said that it is a PITA.

standing the side of the bike last photo is taken from, slide the filter in with the open side facing you with the long locating lug facing down. As you pass the tank rotate and fit to rubber rim.

double check that it has sealed all way round. Can be done quickly as I witnessed it done at the A4DE in Tassie.

practice makes perfect but a retro fix would be even better.
Yep, I'll definitely give it a go tomorrow.FDB do you have the plastic subframe??
I do yes.
Snapped the one side at the last GNCC race after a big tumble.
I'm looking into replacing it with the Ali one.
I have a ec 250 2012 standard edition and it would seem that you gas tank is longer then mine!?

Looking at the pictures from this thread:

And comparing to mine. I have a gap of maybe 5-7cm between the gas tank and the battery box. And the battery box seems to be in the same place comparing to the screws for the side cowling.

I live in Sweden. Is there a difference in the size of the gas tank depending on where the bike was sold??

I can check this on my bike tonight for more accurate measurements.
Thanks guys, kajj my battery box is pushed up hard against the tank, so yeah mine is longer than yours. Not sure if the actual capacity is larger. Thanks Marco I will give your suggestion a try.


It may be easier to remove tank than 13 tank can be removed in under 5min with shrouds attached,then i hang it on a wire hook from the front bolt hole.i dont need to remove for filter change myself,just for jetting,but its pretty quick and may give you more wiggle room
It may be easier to remove tank than 13 tank can be removed in under 5min with shrouds attached,then i hang it on a wire hook from the front bolt hole.i dont need to remove for filter change myself,just for jetting,but its pretty quick and may give you more wiggle room

I know they did have a 10.5L tank for the 12 models, but had issues with poor fitment and as such reverted back to 9.5L. This being one of the larger ones may not be as easy to remove the tank either. I personally haven't seen one this size and find it very strange that it would be able to come back that far without requiring a different seat or such. It may be worth while expressing the concerns up the ladder and seeing if an agreement can be made with a dealer etc.

In terms of hanging the tank, great idea barossi. The shrouds are way too flexible to hold it sitting on the ground. My work around is a simple bucket. Lower part sits in it like it.. the rest sits ontop of the bucket nice and neatly.
Thanks Barossi,
Last time I removed the tank I recall it was a pain to get the hole in the tank to line up with the hole in the frame again so I have been reluctant to remove it again.
I'm about to get the squish adjusted so I'll see if it's any easier to put back on then as it's easier to remove than the sub frame. Jakobi I'd be pretty sure I have a the larger of the 2 tanks, which would explain why I have trouble refitting it once it has been removed.
Do you have any contact details you could possibly pm me with Jakobi. Would be good to get the other tank, especially if the factory knows it is an issue.

Thanks again.
