I'm sorry to keep beating this dead horse, but it seems I'm getting even closer.
Went to the NEDH Suzuki needle and the bike is just getting better. It reminds me of riding a CR250 I got rid of not too long ago. Revs to the moon but definitely does not require it. Such a minute change has had surprising results. I'm riding in a gear or two higher than I ever was before at the same speeds. I would go to the G diameter, but I have before and was not impressed.
Jakobi, I don't have to look far and I find knowledge you've shared, and more often than not it seems relevant to what I'm dealing with. Your suggestion of going rich was against everything (not much) I knew about jetting but seems to be working out. I'm done pulling the plug, because my tired arms are telling me a lot more than that. I know I nearly seized a RM 125/144 I had Millennium Technologies build for me because I kept going lean. However, the NEDH definitely requires a leaner main jet than the N3EH due to the richer final taper, which I found you had suggested in another thread.
I didn't think I'd like the smooth power delivery of the Suzuki needles but I'm pretty happy, and less hesitant to pop the front end before the PV opens, since you can barely feel that transition now.
Still fighting a fluttery idle. When I first start the bike with the choke on, it revs quite a bit too high, so I back off the idle screw until it warms up, then have to screw it back in when I turn off the choke or it'll die. I'm very conflicted about what this is telling me. I don't have anything richer than a 42, so I guess it's worth a shot to pick up a 45 and 48, even though that seems quite rich for the 300, based on the jetting database. It's undoubtedly going to improve when I get the head cut which will have to wait until fall because I'm a grown child that can't stand to be without my toys. I do have a spare cylinder and head, but it's so chewed up I'd never let this piston touch the walls of that thing to get the measurements.
Here's where I'm at:
172, improved over the 175
NEDH #2 (would like to try the NECH)
It's a handful.