Doc Brown

New member
My friend was happy with the N1EF in his 2018 GP, except that the fuel consumption was too high.

His set up was, N1EF in clip 3, 42 pilot jet, 170 main jet (instead of 172), AS 2.5 turns out. The bike run good but always was on the rich side. We ride mostly at around 650 feet.

Yesterday I changed the N1EF vs a NECW in 3rd notch. I closed the AS from 2.5 turns open to 1.25 turns. It was foggy at 9 degree Celsius (48 F) in the morning and later we had 18 degree Celsius (65 F) and sunshine.

I immediately felt the crisp response from down low and the bike was a lot more aggressive as before but never felt/sounded lean. Rolling on the throttle resulted in an airborne front wheel in second and third. Never rode a more aggressive 300 though the PV adjuster was at 2.5 turns out. It was hard to believe that the bike was really transformed by just changing the needle.
We rode 50kms (31mls) and filled 4.5 litres (1 US gallon). So the bike consumed 2 litres (0.44 US gallons) less than with the N1EF. That's really amazing.

I would ride it like that but my friend does not like it to be that aggressive. For my understanding we need a richer set up to tame the midrange. We put the NECW in 4th groove from top but we could not test it as it was too late and we did not want to discuss with the cops why we run an unregistered bike on open roads (no dirt or fire roads available).

In a nutshell, he likes the reduced fuel consumption, he does not like that the engine picks up very aggressive from closed throttle to the mid range...

I offered him my second JD needle (blue) but he wasn't sure if he wants to try it, as he prefers to stay with OEM Keihin needles. Would a needle that is slightly richer than the NECW help and which one would that be. I admit I have no clue about the Suzuki needles.

I'll also post that on TT Forum.
You probably will not believe it, going from 1.5 to 2.5 turns improved the bike a lot, it was much smoother afterwards. So I guess that's not the way to go :o
If the power is too abrupt, strong or responsive.. tame it down with taller gearing. Either encourage him to shift up a gear sooner, or change the gearing.