New GasGas name


New member
OK I'll just come out and say it - Reiju needs to rebrand the bikes they export to the US market. IMO they would be much more successful at growing their 2stroke competition line if they would add another name to these bikes. Chrylsler did just that when they changed their trucks from Dodge to Ram and it worked for them. Few people here in the US have ever heard of GasGas and NOBODY has ever heard of Reiju. Not only does that name make it sound like a Chinese knockoff bike but you also have to guess at how to pronounce "Reiju". They could try to buy the name Bultaco or Ossa or ccome up with something new. I'm on my 7th gasser a 2018ec300. I have been totally loyal for 20 years and would definatelly consider a Reiju/Gasser in the future no matter what name they put on it but let us face facts - GasGas had a very small piece of the US market and "Reiju" will have none so why handycap sales with a name that turns people off. Let's put our heads together and come up with a better name - they can still put "Reiju" on the bikes somewhere (in smaller letters) or just the big "R" in a circle that they use on some of their graphics. So let's here your name suggestions.
I will say I'm not fond of the name but I wasn't fond of the name GasGas either when I first heard it. I look at it like this, all successful brands started somewhere with no brand recognition. Motorcycles from Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, and Suzuki were unknowns when they hit American shores but they managed to make it all these years. Same with KTM, Husqvarna, Beta, TM, Sherco, and GasGas. While I wouldn't mind a name change I'm not going to worry about it either way. If Reiju is really wanting this venture to succeed, and puts in the R&D and cash, I suspect in ten years everyone will know the brand as well as the other European brands.
I would have to agree that the brand name sucks. It may mean something in Spain, but it means nothing in NA and it does sound like a Chinese knock off brand name.
Yeah my riding buddies all said the same thing about the name sounding like a Chinese knockoff. That and how it sounds like some sort of Dragon Ball Z anime character (and yes I know that's Japanese). I wish Rieju would have bought the entire brand before KTM did so they could retain the GasGas name. KTM buying the brand and completely doing away with the entire platform of the GasGas bike is pointless.

It's ahead of Beta.

Alpha Cycles.

Alpha off-road.

There's a precedent:

Beta cycles.
Delta box frame.
Zeta accessories.

There may be more. Just a thought.
I had the same discussion with Mark a while back.... Owners are proud of company and name.

I suggested RJ or RJU for branding in North America.

I will say I'm not fond of the name but I wasn't fond of the name GasGas either when I first heard it. I look at it like this, all successful brands started somewhere with no brand recognition. Motorcycles from Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, and Suzuki were unknowns when they hit American shores but they managed to make it all these years. Same with KTM, Husqvarna, Beta, TM, Sherco, and GasGas. While I wouldn't mind a name change I'm not going to worry about it either way. If Reiju is really wanting this venture to succeed, and puts in the R&D and cash, I suspect in ten years everyone will know the brand as well as the other European brands.
I have no doubt Reiju will be successful with the GG 2stroke platfom in europe where they have hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) of bikes running around with their name on them but here it's nada -a clean sheet. To build up a brand you need something new,different,better along with mega advertizing so people know about it. Honda did it in the 60s with small well made but cheap bikes and the "You meet the nicest people on a Honda"advertisement. Kawaski did it in the late 60s with 2strokes and 4strokes that were the fastest street bikes of their time. Yamaha and Suzuki made their names in the woods and on the track in the 70s and 80s. Those were the decades when motorcycling was growing by leaps and bounds. Today is different not only is there much fewer new,young people coming into the sport but also important there is much less inovation in the bikes themselves - why pay 10 grand for a new bike when it is only marginally better than the 10 year old bike you already have. In other woods it's a much tougher market than it was 40-50 years ago. Why make it more so with a name that no one knows and no one can pronounce correctly.
It'll be a niche brand regardless. Same as Gas Gas has been.

Competitive pricing will be more important than the name.

The support network needs to be strong. IMO that has been the number 1 complaint I have heard with GG. Even if parts haven't been an issue, people are concerned that they may be. The recent changes in ownership etc has really highlighted those concerns.

My GGs have all been called china bikes! So be it. I'll ride em. I'm not in it for the coolaid. I buy them because they have been affordable and bloody reliable!

IMO trying to over advertise or swinging for the fences would be the wrong approach. Get the bikes out there, share some of the companies history. Let it grow slow and try and have some solid foundations to allow this really great platform of a bike shine.
My riding mates already make fun of 'GasGas',especially the day I ran out of Gas.Such a bad day.....
Reiju does sound budget in this part of the world as well.
It'll be a niche brand regardless. Same as Gas Gas has been.

Competitive pricing will be more important than the name.

The support network needs to be strong. IMO that has been the number 1 complaint I have heard with GG. Even if parts haven't been an issue, people are concerned that they may be. The recent changes in ownership etc has really highlighted those concerns.

My GGs have all been called china bikes! So be it. I'll ride em. I'm not in it for the coolaid. I buy them because they have been affordable and bloody reliable!

IMO trying to over advertise or swinging for the fences would be the wrong approach. Get the bikes out there, share some of the companies history. Let it grow slow and try and have some solid foundations to allow this really great platform of a bike shine.
Rieju (Ree A Who)

Interesting thoughts here and i agree with most all of it, but the reality is it is a combo name of two family names. The Riera Family and Juanola Family=RIE JU

So far i have heard it pronounced many, many ways and the interpretation is Chinese, or Indian....anything but Spanish! I think i saw one post where someone said it sounded like a sneeze! lol.

The Spanish pronounce it like "Ree A Who" while the Brits just say "Ray who".

The best thing is....its a discussion isn't it? Makes people talk about it, makes people want to look it up, or know more about it. A conversation piece and we have plans to work with it as best we can but most of all have fun with it. Names like Kawasaki, Husqvarna, Husaberg, or others didn't exactly roll off the tongue at first sighting either.

All of us including myself would love to see "Bultaco" or "Ossa" but those brands are locked in bankruptcy while Rieju is going on 96 years in the business. Something that they are pretty proud of and rightfully so. We are excited to work on the HUGE task ahead of branding...with a small budget, but i am sure we will have all of your help!

In June, we have a few things up our sleeve to help get the name out a little better and quicker.

Ree A Whooooooo!!!!!
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The Spanish pronounce it like "Ree A Who" ...
Now it sounds Native American! :D

I agree with all your points, Mark. I know you guys are working with a limited budget but you guys need a US race team. Just one pro racer to help get the brand some recognition in the number one off road series in America, GNCC. I hear Stew Baylor is available!

Love our friends to the North! Dave Fair is one of the nicest guys i know but i will be the first to admit, we struggled taking care of Canada.

Your laws with regards to an "enduro" needing reflectors, and licensing were a pain in the :eek: So we need to look at that closer and maybe only offer XC versions and let the customer convert on their own. Not sure yet....

Retail unit price. I would secretly get orange, white, and blue bike dealer pricing sheets and shook my head at how it was possible (not so much blue). The Austrians subsidize the pricing for Canadian market for certain and for us to even be close didn't give the best margins for us or the dealer. For the most part, our dealers understood and were patient.

Parts shipping is costly too with the taxes. US Postal by far cheapest but 6 to 10 day delivery....while Fed Ex could get it there quicker, but most certainly way more expensive.

Long story short? Yes, for now (until a Rieju importer is found for Canada) we will offer to our northern dealers a program, just not defined yet.
All of us including myself would love to see "Bultaco" or "Ossa" but those brands are locked in bankruptcy while Rieju is going on 96 years in the business. [/QUOTE said:
I can see how those names whould be problematic for a proud company that has a better history in Spain but just shortening the name to RJ (just for the US market) as you or someone else suggested is brillant. RJ would make a great new logo - one the would honor both families that started this great company.