New Stealth FMF Silencer


New member
This was posted over on KTM Talk and I found it quite interesting and ABOUT TIME. Perhaps the Go Fasters boys could have them build one for the GG bikes as well. These days you just can't be too quiet...why....because the problem has not been addressed properly for over 20 years or more and now we're paying the price for not seeing the the problem clearly on the wall.

Rant over and here is the post as follows:

I wanted to let everyone know that FMF will soon be shipping a new Stealth version of the 2-stroke Q muffler/spark arrestor for most modern 2-stroke bikes, including the KTM's. I spoke to Lil D Emler at Indy and saw a protoype of the new Stealth muffler, and it looks very nice. It uses a larger diameter can from their 4-T line, and the larger diameter with more packing really drops the sound level with no loss of power.

This model will sell for $20 more than the standard Q ($159.95) at $179.95.

Skidad in MA
That's great. I've done what I can to make mine quiet by installing the db Snorkel. I think the LTR pv cover would even quiet it a bit more.
I think FMF will do ok selling those.
Unfortunately, many of the pipes sold are to the attention whores that don't care about anything other than sounding like they're fast. There will always be a huge market for loud pipes and FMF and the rest are not going to stop selling them. Even if they did, people will still be drilling pipes out, etc.
Ever hear a 700cc 4-stroke quad, with a pipe, doing donuts for an hour ? These riders won't change. The best we can hope for is natural selection.
I don't think 2-strokes are the problem as long as the packing is good. The sound just doesn't carry that far in the woods. OTOH, you can hear a YZ250F with an MX pipe for miles.
So true. Up at our bush block, there's a dirt road from the gate to the start fo the state forest. Sitting outside the shed, you can hear a two stroke coming from about half to 3/4;s of the way back along the road.

Four strokes, you can hear them before they get out in the open. Especially the MX bikes with the loud pipes, bikes dont need to be loud, a quiet bike can have a very similar (if not the same output) as quiet bikes. I look forward to when those 'car park racers' as we call them figure that out.
Does anyone else find loud bikes fatiguing (mentally, if not physically) to ride?

Yes, I rode a Cannondale E440 for a year. Really short header and fairly small can. That bike would rev to the 11.8K limiter fast, and rattle your teeth when it did. I hated the percussion, and wore ear plugs under my helmet. What was strange is it seemed worse riding it than when someone else did a fly by on it. This is one of the 250F complaints I heard from guys that had and sold them. Liked the easy to use power but hated the noise at high RPM.