New to 2t

My bike used to load up after about 20 mins of tree to tree single that was all 1/4 throttle max, with the jd blue clip 2, I went to the nedw ( lean, lean rich) which by inspection is leaner towards the top of the needle ( lower throttle openings) than the jd blue, loading stopped, and that's why I use it for ST ( and its smooth and linear). Jd red would have worked I suspect.

The problem with the nedw for me is when you get in sand, in woops, long fast flowing sand tracks,on a cool day, the bike starts to get a hanging idle and sound lean, dropping to the bottom clip nedw and adding a main jet step doesn't help, so I then use the jd blue. Pain in the butt but safe for the bike.

I'm not sure what the tapers are on an n3, but I would be going on feel and dropping the clip, resetting the airscrew for best throttle response and having a go leaner. My experience is that this bike doesn't colour up the plug real good with newer plugs (and jakobi found the same) unless you do a proper plug chop, but it does colour up the base of the threads and electrode, if you get a nice lacquered dark brown look from the thread base, I reckon your good as long as the electrode hasn't got the crap burnt out of it and there is some colour on the insulator I find the bike starts and idles better with a Br8es, not the br8eg, others have the same experience. Go to the mainjet motorcycles website, they have a lot of good info on jetting and plug chops etc. Watch for the hanging idle, if it happens and wasn't there before, I reckon your too lean.

Moral to the story the bike works well in everything with a leanish setting but your pushing it when you get in sea level sand with l larger throttle opening but not fully on the mainjet.

I find the leaner low throttle opening type of needle , the less burble right of the bat but also the less torque at lower throtle, that low throttle torque is gold on long greasy hills.

Hope that helps
Like Simmo said, typically you will have to jet to the conditions if you are looking for the right mix every ride. I'd be cautious about running my 40 NEDJ#2 172 at sea level in heavy/thick sand too. I ride at 300M and up. Its generally always 50%+ humidity here, and now in summer I'm looking at 30C days. The temp on my trail tech out in the sun reported 38C during my ride yesterday. No wonder I was feeling warm :D

I'd say the bike will probably be happiest with the needle in clip 2 (as thats where the previous owner had it). 178 is a good match with the N3, and the pilot depends on how you like your off idle delivery. I'd sacrifice some torque for smoothness personally. Then again I find NExx to be torquier than the N3xx in general.

Basically a bike thats going to be working hard in deep sand will be too rich and load up under light loads and vice versa. This is why jetting is a bit of an art. You need to adjust for conditions, bike, and rider.

If you want to make a half clip adjustment you can run N3CJ (half clip leaner).
Well today i finally droped the needle a clip so im now running a 42p n3ej clip2 and a 178 main, i have found an instant improvement in the fact there is no burbling after idling around for a few seconds like before. Fingers crossed it is not to lean. I will post a youtube vid on this thread when it uploads for someone to see what they think.
Well today i finally droped the needle a clip so im now running a 42p n3ej clip2 and a 178 main, i have found an instant improvement in the fact there is no burbling after idling around for a few seconds like before. Fingers crossed it is not to lean. I will post a youtube vid on this thread when it uploads for someone to see what they think.

And I finally got around to replacing my reeds and installing the carb again. I'm going with 40P N3CJ#2 175.
Just did some throttle cable maintenance and found the 10 mm brass screw on the top of the carb incorrectly threaded, re threaded it and got two more turns to seated, was getting a rich cut with 42 nedw clip 4 175, ended up at 42 1.5 out nedw clip 3 165 and absolutely ripping with a perfect mocha plug, which would be more like your leaner jetting with s3 head jakobi, I always wondered why I was so rich. Interesting.
Just did some throttle cable maintenance and found the 10 mm brass screw on the top of the carb incorrectly threaded, re threaded it and got two more turns to seated, was getting a rich cut with 42 nedw clip 4 175, ended up at 42 1.5 out nedw clip 3 165 and absolutely ripping with a perfect mocha plug, which would be more like your leaner jetting with s3 head jakobi, I always wondered why I was so rich. Interesting.

Mate I'm at the other end of the spectrum. My bike needs to run so much leaner than any other I've seen. I have a mate here who owns a 2011 EC300 stock head and I believe he's running 35P N1EG#3 172. I think he's out quite a few turns on the pilot aswell which doesn't surprise me with the G diameter needle. He has a slight burble just off idle but other than that it pulls clean.

My bike on the other hand needs the needle lifted alot in order to run clean. I've just installed a fresh set of reeds and started from scratch. Ended up at 40P (AS 1 - 1.5) N3EW#1 178. The bike starts easily hot/cold. Won't idle until up to temp as expected. Will pull 3rd gear easily from idle, and will pull arms out on the pipe. I had tried N3CJ#2 but got a lean bog off idle and stalling, and more burbling as the throttle opened (around 1/8-1/4).

I have some video here that I took of N3EJ in positions 1,2 and 3. Just not sure I can be bothered editing and posting.

So what I guess I'm saying to Nato is, go by feel. The bike will likely perform poorly, run on, surge, or pop before it will seize on you. If clip 3 is burbly and clip 2 feels good, then clip 2 will be good.

Before my jetting adventures and S3 head I used to run 38 N3EG#1 175. I was very burbly off idle and it would aggressively snap onto the needle. Either that or N3CH#2 and even did a stint at N3CH#1 which felt too flat in the mid and pinged a little. It was a cold morning though.
Was there some point at which your jetting changes didn't work and you can now say that was when the reeds went bad? I'm curious to know how quickly the reed problem presented itself.
To be honest Neil the reeds had very little impact on the running of the bike. It was only a small chip on one corner of one reed petal. It may have resulted in me having to lean off the pilot a bit more and thats about it.

I only really discovered them while investigating the cause of a really weak bottom end which ended up being the power valve stuck wide open. It has since been cleaned and the reeds replaced. My jetting is very similar to what I ran at this time last year.
I have some video here that I took of N3EJ in positions 1,2 and 3. Just not sure I can be bothered editing and posting.

If you can be bothered be sure to post it in here mate i would be keen to hear the diff in sounds. Cheers Nato.
Is that clip 2 Nato? Sounds alot like mine does in clip 1.

No burble, just crisp clean power. If that was my bike I'd be a happy camper!
Yeah clip 2 mate. I think i just need to take it for a few hour squirt and see if it boils or any other signs of lean. Hows that editting coming along ;)
Heres a quick vid of 42P N3EJ Clip 3 175. It only really runs well once opened right up.

I've since leaned the pilot (but increased needle diameter) and leaned needle position and richened main one size. If I get a chance to go for a ride tomorrow I'll get some video. If not I'll post after my next ride.
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And went for a little squirt this afternoon. 40 N3EW#1 178. Its very very crisp and takes a bit of control on the right hand. Sounds a bit higher pitched than most other vids I've watched but feels good under hand. No smoke/spooge. Slight oily ring at rear of pipe.

Will probably change out the N3EW#1 for a N3CJ#2 which is half a clip richer on the needle tapers but a step leaner on diameter. Should keep the bottom end clean and steady things up in the midrange a tad.
Go pro clip

Thats a great clip from the go pro. The bike sounds like it is running beautiful and clean. Is that front wheel coming up all the time? Looks like fun but is it a handful in the tight single track?
I'm coming off a history of Husabergs (5) and looking at a 2st for the 1st time, can't decide between a 250 or 3 hunge.

More vids please!
Search my name in the video section and you'll find some more entertaining ones instead of just jetting tests.

I did end up going back to the N3CJ#2 just to be safe. Then had to slide the pilot up to a 42. Still might be a bit lean as if I whack it right off idle there is sometimes a lag. Its only if its right on its very low idle though. Then started dialing the main in with plug chops and brought it down to a 172. Just ace!

I bought my first 2 stroke as an EC300. Its been a great bike and my riding has improved loads since owning it. The 300 can be very forgiving or an absolute beast depending on how you ride it. I personally like to ride with the throttle open and the engine singing and its hard to do this all day in the tights on a 300. In the open its bliss! I'm considering adding a smaller 200/250 to the stable to compliment the 300 hungy!

From all accounts the 300 seems to be the more popular and easier to resell.