New to GasGas - need general advice on a couple of things..


New member
Hey all! Like it says, I'm new to Gas Gas. I picked up a 2022 EC300. Currently going through my list of mods to ensure it makes me happy when riding.

I'm trying to hunt up a shop manual for it. I know I can go to the shop and ask, and likely will if I can't find it online to purchase. (Saves me a few hours of travel time, etc)

So what are the typical mods for folks? I was thinking power valve spring - go to red. I haven't pulled it out yet, hunting my tool to adjust it currently.

Cylinder head replacements? Anybody? S3? Would I need to update the FI settings?

Does anybody check their throttle body TPS? Without the manual and suggestions I would be guessing.

I plan on going to 13/52 gearing like on my other bikes. So I can switch wheels between my 250F, 350F, and 300.

I've armored it up. Radiator, rotors, skidplate (linkage guard coming in mail), and the exhaust flange guard (also in the mail)

Any known issues? I know the KTM's are very touchy about the ground wire making good contact. Do I need the slaven's kit for bump starting the bike due to FI needing power?

Sorry to be asking so many questions.

Your not likely to find much help here this is "the original gasgas" pre ktm. I would think you would do the same things as your other ktm
Your not likely to find much help here this is "the original gasgas" pre ktm. I would think you would do the same things as your other ktm

Damn. Worth checking.

I do have a 1996 JTR250 trials bike in pieces somewhere in the basement. :-)

Guess I should look around here about that instead.

Thanks for the heads up.
He is correct, this forum is dedicated to the pre-buyout GasGas models and the current Rieju bikes.

That said, most things you would do for your standard KTM are the same you would do for your GG. Good luck on getting it setup the way you like and have a blast!
MudDawg, good questions! Thumpertalk has a forum for "Gasgas (Post KTM) Motorcycles". Give that a try for answers related to your specific bike.

And as was said above - "Good luck on getting it setup the way you like and have a blast!"
