Newer Plastic on Older GasGas show your bike

Hey guys,
I am new to the forum and picked up a 2007 EC300. I live on the west coast US and am in need of some parts or a place to get them. I have called my local dealers and since GG has be bought out, no one supplies parts!!

I am looking for a 2011 plastic upgrade kit and headlight. I also need an outer clutch cover. Mine is cracked, and the only one I can find online is a Rekluse for $160!!

I checked with the Euro online suppliers and no one will sell me parts because of some dealer contract issues.

Please help!!

Parts are generally not a problem. Here is a good online source, and Bud (the owner) is easy to talk to and very helpful.

If you need anything to keep riding, and aren't getting any help, contact me. I have resources for new and used parts.

Good Riding!

2004 MC 250 with 07 front fender, 07 shrouds, 02 rear fender, trail tech headlight.

05 ec 250

05 ec250 with 07-09 plastics. Just scored a seat on ebay this morning so she will be ready to rock real soon.


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I know that this thread is a couple years old but I just dragged my 01 EC300 out of deep storage and I am starting to go through and refurbish it. I would like to up date the look while I?m at it. So what options do I have. Is there still any of the 11 up date kits available.

If not what what options do I have. I am going to strip it down and have the frame powder coated as the nickel finish has seen better days, so trying to figure out what color I am going with.

I know that this thread is a couple years old but I just dragged my 01 EC300 out of deep storage and I am starting to go through and refurbish it. I would like to up date the look while I?m at it. So what options do I have. Is there still any of the 11 up date kits available.

If not what what options do I have. I am going to strip it down and have the frame powder coated as the nickel finish has seen better days, so trying to figure out what color I am going with.


I prefer the black frame of the 2005/2006, or the vivid red frame like on my 2011. I am partial to the look of the Factory equipped 2006 EC250.
It is my favorite.

There is a photo here, but some of the info is incorrect, (as it states that the engine is a 4-stroke.)
Good luck with your project.
Thinks Jim. I’ve kinda got my mind made up with a dark gray metallic powder coat similar to the last steel framed Suzuki?s. I really like the red frame with red and white plastics but my original blue plastics are cherry and infact way back when I bought a full set of new OEM 01 blue plastics and graphics from you. So with the gray frame I could swap back to blue if I wanted.

I was going to order these 06 red plastics from Scurbs Designs.

And can’t decide on graphics to go with them so maybe I’ll take a poll on what everyone thinks. Here’s the styles I’m debating so I ask the collective to help me decide;
All your links point to the same place.
I have used scrub designz for my decals. Good people to work with.

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Good to hear that Scurbs is a good company. I?ll be ordering my plastics and graphics from them. To bad the links I posted do not go directly to the style of graphics I am debating on.
Update to my new to me, 2001 EC250 plastics

Just ordered from Fortnine

-YZ250 2020 front fender (UFO) $38
-kx250 1998 side panels (UFO ) $76
-kx250 1998 rear fender (UFO) $49
-EC250 2011 rad shrouds (Polisport) $63
-EXC450 2020 headlight (UFO) $35

So, tally up it?s $261 Canadian dollars , free shipping , much less vs ordering the $600-800 restyling kit from Europe and I was quoted $150USD for shipping?..

So, on advice and reading the million above post?s, i chose these items , I?m risking it and I?ll make this all fit, how do we post pictures to this posting? Update to come

Now to paint, rims, frame, subframe and many other odd/ends black

Operation , modernize this old beast, yes it?s fast as all hell
