In my non riding time I enjoy work.
Recently, coming up with a new business idea has been my main hobby. That and hanging out my 6 yr old son. He has been riding a lot on his 50. I have a decent track I laid out in our yard. Made a little small table top jump and mini whoop section. Ha.
Also, I had a some serious health issues (big time cancer scare and pre diabetic) last year that has me spending time working out. It is a hobby just trying to eat right and excercise.
Bandit; I'm a Chiropractor. Business idea #1; you drive me around the country and we ride and fix these old broken GasGas riders!!
Glad you liked the thread idea I hoped it might spark some interest.
A real Golfer amongst us Bandit - nice I played Professionally for 15+ years up until 2008, and then as an Amateur afterwards in some big events, playing off a UK handicap of +2 for 3 years or so. Then i kinda got out of the groove / habit of playing for a while and havn't touched a club for nearly 3 years. Havn't got the itch either as yet.
Back problems of any sort and golf dont mix im afraid as you well know. If your really enjoying them.....stick to the bikes. And the kids of course !
Amongst other things i also collect one type of golf 'memorabilia' in a pretty big way, but im not sure anyone on this type of forum would be that interested in pics of that.
Very nice. If you ever need a tester let me know... .
It is amazing how many offers I get from potential fly rod testers
Way to many to list. Just picked up another guitar amp last night. Orange 15watt tiny-terror. 15 tubed watts will blow your clothes off with this little thing!!!
Sent from my SGH-T999L using Tapatalk
Nice I've been hearing great things about those amps.