Plating (license, not chrome) Thread


New member
Jeff: There seems to be a ton of interest (in countless forums and threads) about plating bikes, MSOs, etc.

Perhaps we can collate these to a single, central thread.

That being said, it seems like riders need to do as much work on their state legislatures as the guys in Michigan did - we can ride most of the non-state designated roads with only a headlight, taillight, and a $16.25 ORV tag.
Yeah- Nevada taking away the right to plate a dirt bike is rediculous! :confused:

Ever see a satelite picture of central Nevada ? ---Nothing ---
I am a total outlaw, but I don't want to ride my bike on the street anyway. I have the GG turn signals, tail light, headlight. The turn signals aren't even hooked up, not that they'd blink, I don't have a control center on the bars. For a while I ran a power pole tag (work @ electric utility, have access to millions). Recently I got a plate for a 1994 Montesa Cota 349 and thought.... Hmmm. I bolted it on my Gasser. I'm never going to ride it to the store, but when I'm out on the trail, it looks the part humming down a gravel road. They don't care if we ride gravel roads with no plate, but some of the places I go may raise an eyebrow of the Law enforcement folks without a plate. I've already had a conversation with the local sheriff who didn't give a second look to the plate. He wanted my off road sticker and my Oregon off road motorcycle license. :rolleyes:
Here's a sample of what we're going thru over here in Wa.
In all honesty you guys aren't really going through anything, the bikes were never street legal because they didn't meet federal emissions standards. Everybody knew, or should have, that they risked losing their plates. Some states are grandfathering, some aren't.

My EC300 is plated along with my old 400exc. I picked up an 07 525 because it IS street legal just in case.