BR8 is the recommended heat range for the plugs. The stock is a BR8EG however people have been using the cheaper BR8ES without any issues. It has a larger tip and imo is less likely to fould due to this.
As everyone else has said though its all to do with the jetting. You are running too rich. If you take more oil out of the mix, you'll have more fuel in the same volume, which will only add to your problem. Ideally you will want to use the oil at the manufacturers recommendations, jet to suit, and then stick with that oil.
Read up on some jetting 101 and go about making some changes. Because you have said its 90% single you'll most likely be looking at the pilot circuit and possibly needle clip/needle diameter.
Also, depending on what year and what carb you are running will determine your best choice of needle. My 2010 model would start loading up within minutes of single track with the stock needle in the leanest position. The diameter in particular was just too rich for the bike and my conditions.