Prostate cancer


New member
I don't know if anyone here has dealt with this but biopsy done couple weeks ago had 10 out of 12 cores show moderate cancer, am going to have it removed in a couple of weeks, Doc says I should be back to riding in three months, if ct and bone scans show negative. Just trying to ride now as much as I can till operation. Any advice would be helpful.
Keep your head up, I'm pulling for you. Good thing is the burgh has excellent doctors and hospitals. Unfortunately my family knows first hand. With a good attitude and a fighting will things will be fine. Take advantage of this goofy western pa weather and forget it all and ride. Dave
Many Relatives Battled Prostrate Cancer

I haven't had to fight it yet ( but if genetics play in, I'll likely have to) and they all said don't move, lift etc any sooner than the Doc says. They all thought they were ready to move more but they weren't.
And above all, stay positive, in all likelyhood it will only be a small bump in the road of life. And dealing with it is way better than ignoring it.
It will be a temporary pause in life. Everything is on your side. Technology and medical science wield a brutal sword against cancer now. You have the advantage. Focus your energy on keeping yourself in peak tune both physically and mentally. Crush and ruthlessly disregard anything that is negative or not positively productive in your life. Genuinely embrace and bask in the things that make you happy. Try stuff. And when you're waiting to get back on the bike, work on it in the meantime. The linkage won't grease itself.
Thank you for your prayers, I'll keep you all posted on this new adventure in my life. I'll beat this and be riding again this summer without a doubt!
Well I had it removed last Thursday, 23rd feeling like I have the flu now with the aches and abdominal pain, lots of spasms the day after, but starting to get those fleeting moments of feelling real good. Doc says lymph nodes are ok an no cancer spread, will find out for sure on next blood work. Slowly starting to walk around for a bit every hour and am having jp drain and catheter removed this Thursday. I'll keep you guys posted and am going to take it slow. If I go by doc's orders will be back riding this summer. thanks again for the good wishes.
Well I had it removed last Thursday, 23rd feeling like I have the flu now with the aches and abdominal pain, lots of spasms the day after, but starting to get those fleeting moments of feelling real good. Doc says lymph nodes are ok an no cancer spread, will find out for sure on next blood work. Slowly starting to walk around for a bit every hour and am having jp drain and catheter removed this Thursday. I'll keep you guys posted and am going to take it slow. If I go by doc's orders will be back riding this summer. thanks again for the good wishes.

The 'nodes are great news. Congrats! Definitely follow the doc's instructions, I'm sure you'll be back in the saddle soon.

My dad had his removed about 2 years ago, alls well he is almost 70 and still rides the trails in Kittaning Pa. You may not be riding 3 months after surgury but you will be riding within the year Id bet. best wishes.
Prostate update

After 5 weeks of eating right and walking, up to 6 miles a day, April 30th I felt like I had the flu out of the blue, started getting a fever and could hold my urine, now I am one of those blockheads that worked in the mines with walking pneumonia and went to work 4 weeks after blowing my left elbow apart (I figured I could shovel with one arm). This was bad, the second day I told the wife I gotta go to the e room at the local hospital, they did a ct scan and shipped me to the hospital where I had my operation, I had an abcess 9.5 cm by 3.5 cm squeezing my bladder, had it drained and they kept me 6 days pumping antibiotics in me. Home now starting the walk routine again feeling much better. That was some real pain and I thought I was tough but now that its past I see it as a bump in the road, will be riding as soon as I am cleared to and them pesky 18 GG pics are starting to get to me, giving me something to shoot for lol. I want to thank all for best wishes and hope to be on the trails late summer early fall. I'll keep you guys posted.
keep it up!

what is eating right? I have read some good things regarding a Banting diet (google real meal revolution) and starvation of cancer cells. I did it for a few months and lost a lot of weight and all sorts of other little niggles stopped (hayfever, post nasal drip etc) and generally felt healthier. Also more energy while riding. Uinfortunately i wasn't supported by my wife or kids so fell back into the normal diet, but still try to stay away from carbs and sugar
Hi Swazi, More veggies, almost no dairy, cutting way back on sugars, 4oz red meat 4 times a week, very lean, baked chicken and fish on other days. snacking on green leafy vegetables. Drinking at least 64 oz water throughout the day. Moderate carb intake. Lost 10 lbs first 5 weeks but I am quite sure walking was half of that. Trying to fit in a little so not to put a big burden on family and they respect that. Like I say feeling good so I'll keep at it for now.
Took a 5 mile ride on the Gas Gas June 1st on fairly smooth terrain some holes up and down hills lots of roots and felt good, little tender on the butt at first but felt good toward the end. It was with the Docs blessing and it felt great!