PV adjustment GG300GP

Doc Brown

New member
Sorry for all the questions, being new to GG and coming from over 10 years of orange some things are a bit odd for me.

Basically I know what PV's are doing but the owners manual is a bit meager.

I am used to chug the bike uphill, lets say in second gear and then whack the throttle to get over logs and stuff. The Kato didnt need clutch help, even when the rpm was low the engine picked up very aggressive.
With the Gasser I struggle as power/torque comes too slow. I think it must be possible to make the motor more aggressive down low to mid but have no clue how to turn the adjuster screw.

Anyone else had a similar problem or prefers an aggressive engine?
Change the needle first. Really.
You'll be boring your mates how two visually identical bits of wire changed the bike.
The tail end of the needle can affect the flow rate of the main to some extent. Have no experience of JD.
The tail end of the needle can affect the flow rate of the main to some extent. Have no experience of JD.

The JD needles are pretty thick. Even putting a Soozi NE next to a N3 you can easily see the difference with the naked eye.
I have installed the JD kit and as you say the needles are thicker than the OEM ones. Instead of the 178 main there was a 176 in the kit which I installed. I e-mailed them if thats either a printing error -it says install the 178 included in the kit- or a wrong main jet has been packed.

Instead of the required 42 pilot jet I put the 40 in, and the bike runs well with it. Low down burble is almost gone and the idle is stable although it is very low (as I prefer it).

But I have massive other problems with it, but will open an own thread soon. Gotta run now...
