question about slide notch


New member
Hey guys, 01 300 XC, CCK needle middle clip, 40 pilot, 172 main. The air screw has to be 3 turns out to be clean. I'm in Alabama the home of high humidity, it's between 70-80 degrees now & about 500-1000ft. elevation. I like this setup, but I have to raise the idle more than I like, I think I'm getting into the needle. I have tried a leaner pilot but it still likes a high idle for some reason. Most folks would be happy I just want it perfect. From what I have read a notched slide can clean up the idle a little, and several guys run #8 slides also. I want to put a notch in my 7 or file it into an #8 and do some testing. Anybody done a slide mod? Any info is appreciated.
I bought an non-notched #8 slide and milled the notch. .040 high x .093 wide, it made the jetting more aggressive than I wanted, so I went back to the stock 6.5 notched slide.
I have a notched #7 in my '12 and a non-notched #7 in my '07. Notch gave me fits at first as it affects the pilot jetting. Funny thing is that my bike likes a richer pilot with the notch, contrary to what all the "experts" have said. Too lean and hanging idle with the same pilot as the non-notched slide. All other jetting and engine mods exactly the same.

Keep in mind this is with the older AS1 carbs.

Before you start notching slides their are plenty of needles to try.

Cutting your own notches different sizes take you off the map.
Yes, I have the old screw cap as-1. I read several long posts about needles & idle, seemed like the #8 slide worked for some. I had a spare 7 & thought they could be made leaner with a little filing. The notch is actually on the engine side of the slide, I was not sure if it had the same effect as filing the angle of the slide cutaway. If that works it is free, instead of buying more needles. I do have a CCL I have not yet tried.
My bikes are 250s so slightly different signature there. The idea of the notch is to change the signal over the pilot ckt, nothing more. Slide # affects the main ckt. off idle and slightly above like needle dia. #8 slide in a 300 is a viable option and has worked, but first try the CCL to see if the leaner dia helps since you have it. If you go #8 have it cut and polished properly.