Radiator Guards


Is it just me or is the search garbage?

What are my options for protecting the radiators? What do you guys recommend?

I have a set of Force guards that are pretty sweet. I've had them for over 2 seasons and they're still doing great, though I have had to straighten them a bit. No radiator damage though.

Scorpion Racing also makes some sweet braces and are supposed to be coming out with some new ones that combine the brace with puncture protection.

Those would be my choice of guards for a GasGas.
Force are the go for the 300.
They have been tested from an 8 foot high riverbank .
Needed a new radiator cap but radiator ok.
Cheers Mark
ive got a set of flatland guards, that have been on since before i bought them, still straight, but they have sheared the bolts off before, judging by the slight damage to the edges of my radiator. i consider that a testament to their strength.
Yea looks like Force, Scorpion and Meca all seem like good choices. With Scorpion and Meca seems like they make a perimeter guard and also another one that covers the radiator fins/front. So not really sure which one to go with haha :eek:
So I finally got around to installing them today. Wasn't to bad. It took a few mins to get the rear brace in. Ended up gluing the foam down to the brace better, it kept getting pushed off.

I couldn't manage to zip tie the upper radiator shroud bit...any advice on that?